Justice refuses to tip Rafael Ilha after discovering exThumbs BMW

Justice refuses to tip Rafael Ilha after discovering exThumb’s BMW

The TJSP (São Paulo State Court) denied an application for a judicial gratuity from Rafael Ilha in a court case after discovering that he owned a BMW car that was given to his underage son free of charge.

The news was published by Fábia Oliveira, from Em Off, and syringes had access to the order signed by Judge Douglas Augusto dos Santos, which was published last Wednesday (13). In the document, the magistrate also reiterated that the singer owns 100% of the registered capital of his performance company and owned the majority of the registered capital of a detox clinic.

“Additionally, his bank statement shows that although there is no credit in his account, whenever a payment is required, the defendant arranges for a bank transfer of funds held in the account of his minor daughter (indicated on the tax return). of income), thereby moving large amounts of money between loans and transfers,” the order reads.

The lawsuit in question is being filed by Liana Morisco. She is demanding compensation for nonpecuniary damages and alleges that Rafael made offensive comments towards her on social media. The lawsuit seeks R$40,000 and the artist was ordered to pay R$5,000 before seeking a judicial settlement.

“These peculiarities make it clear that the defendant, in addition to owning assets (vehicle and money) for his underage children, carries out an entrepreneurial activity in the artistic and therapeutic environment and thus proves the full economic capacity to bear the burden of the lawsuit has otherwise not high value,” says the decision.

Willian Amanajás, attorney for the former Thumb, wanted by the report, said the issue “has already been procedurally resolved.” “There was no ‘wealth disclosure’ as it was Rafael himself who presented his income tax in the process. However, the judge understood that his testimony showed the financial capacity to pay the court fee,” he clarified.

This isn’t the first time Rafael’s application for a grant has been denied in a court case. In May this year he had a first defeat in the lawsuit he is bringing against Luana Piovani seeking R$100,000 in damages for moral damages after the actress published a montage of the faces of famous people, including the former Thumb. He called them “abusive” ​​but the judiciary rejected his request for gratuitous judgement.