Justin Biebers dad falls in love with homophobic messages

Justin Bieber’s dad falls in love with homophobic messages

On the sidelines of LGBTIQ+ Pride month, Benjamin Bieber, Justin Bieber’s father, released a series of tweets full of criticism and references to the community, supporting and highlighting the importance of straight families, and was immediately accused by hundreds of Twitter users indignantly reminded him that he is not a very present father for the singer and therefore does not understand how he can defend families if he does not know what that is.

This morning, Bejanmin, better known as Justin Bieber’s father, took to his social media to state his position on the preferences of the LGBTIQ+ community in a very sarcastic way, with a message addressing an alleged contradiction in his speech. , since he explained that in reality the groups that make up the community should congratulate their mother and father and therefore their heterosexuality, since they would not have been conceived that way and would not be able to celebrate the next June 28th.

It read the message: “Don’t forget to thank one straight person for being alive this month.”

However, the 49-year-old Bieber was not satisfied with the uproar caused by this comment and published another comment in which he reiterated his position on Gay Pride Day, which is being observed 54 years ago due to the riots in Stonewall, USA. when the police raided a recreational establishment frequented by part of the community; In fact, the so-called “gay ghetto” had already settled in the area, which stood up for the people who were harassed at the scene of the events.

In that regard, Benjamin pointed out, “We need to celebrate families. You know the reason we’re all here! The things this generation is glorifying are incredible!”

Back then, more and more Twitter users were showing their dissatisfaction, while at the same time not believing in the certainty that he was talking about family well-being because, according to TMZ, it was reported that after him and Pattie Mallette , Justin’s mother, the singer left at the age of 18 and 18 respectively At the age of 17, the young woman had to raise her son alone until, over the years, Benjamin grew closer to his son and stood by him as a father figure.

And although Justin has assured for many years that he has an excellent relationship with his father, his fans do not forgive his absence and criticize the LGBTIQ+ community; The comments against him were so great that Benjamin had no choice but to delete those tweets. Not only that, he later wrote a message apologizing to the people he had upset by publishing his positions.

“Is it an insult to acknowledge the nuclear family? I apologize to those offended. It was not my intention. Not that my opinion matters,” he wrote.