Unpopular We change the haircuts

Justin Trudeau’s haircut: summer look or political calculation?

Summer look or political calculation? One thing is for sure, the recent scissors in Justin Trudeau’s hair leave no one indifferent.

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In recent days, the Prime Minister of Canada’s wavy brown hair has given way to a significantly shorter haircut for the first time since his election in 2015.

February 2022

Photo archive, AFP

February 2022

“It is rare that we change a successful recipe. Perhaps there is a desire to present oneself in a new light,” emphasizes Carol-Ann Rouillard, a postdoc in communications who is interested in the representation of political figures.


Photo archive, AFP


According to the latest Léger poll, 6 in 10 Quebecers said they were dissatisfied with the Liberal leader’s work, which could justify a change in image.


File Photo, R


One thing is for sure, this visit to the hairdresser is not unanimous among image professionals.


Photo archive, AFP



“That’s not a prime minister’s look! As a man you can’t afford to be in the public eye,” protests 81-year-old Ménick, the famous athlete’s hairdresser, who would have advised the politician against such a haircut.


Photo archive, AFP


Fashion columnist Andrew McNally welcomes the change, particularly in mid-July.

“I think it makes him look a bit naughty and like a boy from a good family. […]. It’s summer and when he goes on vacation he might want easy-care hair.”


Photo archive, AFP


Unflattering memes have been comparing the Prime Minister to the character of Jim Carrey in The Bell and the Idiot on social media since Friday.


Photo archive, AFP


Neat picture

Since his debut in politics, Justin Trudeau’s performance has always been the focus of his campaign, political scientists note.

“He really is the fruit of his time,” says Éric Montigny.


Photo archive, AFP


Just think of his image as a young politician with his shirt sleeves rolled up in 2015, which contrasted with the conservatism of his opponent Steven Harper.

The salt-and-pepper beard emerged in early 2020, projecting a calmer image of the politician.

Then the prime minister let his hair grow during confinement until it reached his nape… before gradually trimming it, then much this week.

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