Juventus demolished by Chine quotPenalty higher than 15 pointsquot JuveLive

Juventus demolished by Chiné: "Penalty higher than 15 points" JuveLive

Juventus is demolished by Chiné, there are those who go against the current and accept an even harsher punishment than the previous one.

There juventus He’ll be back on the pitch tomorrow night to welcome Cremonese at the Allianz Stadium. And he will act as the “referee” in a suddenly resurgent race to rescue. The Grigiorossi are now foot and a half in Serie B and have no alternative to victory if they are to continue hoping for a sporting miracle.

Juventus demolished by Chiné: – Juvelive.it (Ansa)

Massimiliano Allegri’s men will instead look to consolidate second place, albeit aware that the table will almost certainly be revolutionized again in a couple of weeks. It is now established that the FIGC Court of Appeal on 22 May will sanction again the Lady for capital gains. The motivations of the Coni Guarantee College published on Monday leave no doubt. Sports justice confirmed the entire indictment system of the previous judgment. At the same time, he asked the federal judges to recalculate the sentence after the acquittal of some independent advisers. The only question mark is therefore whether the originally requested -15 will be confirmed (and then suspended) or whether there will be a significant cut.

Juventus is demolished by Chiné, Marelli makes the Juventus fans tremble

All indications point to the latter scenario, with federal prosecutor Giuseppe Chiné being able to confirm the initial -9, which then “soured” at the end of the hearing.

Juventus penalty: the date of the new verdictFerrero, President of Juventus – Juvelive.it (LaPresse)

But there are also those who think differently and are not so, if you will, optimistic. We are talking about the former referee Luca Marelli, referee commentator at DAZN, who in these hours, speaking of Juventus-Cremonese, commented on the motivations of the Coni Guarantee Committee. “Juve live in this limbo and know there will be a penalty that will have to be adjusted,” said Marelli. “I’m telling you something no one has heard before.” By reading the motivations, all paths are open. Also ad a higher penalty than that of the first degree. Nowhere did Guarantee College write that the penalty was excessive, it merely reiterated the guilt of some managers and sent it back to federal court for better reasoning on some parts, including the penalty. However, this does not preclude the penalty from being higher than in the first instance. It won’t happen, but that’s the right thing. Transfer to a second degree is also possible a conversion to the top a penalty or penalty as occurs in common law.