1664794695 Kadyrov Im not kidding Putins hound sends his children forward

Kadyrov: “I’m not kidding!” Putin’s hound sends his children forward! | Policy IMAGE

Kadyrov: “I’m not kidding!” |

Putin’s hound sends his children forward!

His madness knows no bounds: Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov (45), known as Putin’s hound, wants to send his youngest children to war against Ukraine!

On his Telegram channel (2.9 million subscribers), Kadyorv announced that his sons Ahmat (16), Eli (15) and Adam (14) completed their military training “a long time ago… .

► Now they would be taught how to use “various weapons” and the “theoretical principles” of warfare on a military base.

Now the Kadyrov children must go to the front!

Read too

Akhmad, Eli and Adam are “ready to use their skills in the military special operations zone,” Kadyrov said. In Russia, the war of aggression against Ukraine is called “military special operation”.

“I’m not kidding!” continued the Chechen president. “It’s time to show up in a real fight.”

This was the wish of his children, which he “only welcomes”. Therefore, the three sons must “go to the front soon” and fight “in the most difficult sections of the front” against the Ukrainian army.

Putin's Hound: Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov Sends His Children To The Front

Putin’s Hound: Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov Sends His Children To The Front

Photo: -/dpa

Still not in top physical shape: Kadyrov's son Adam shooting

Still not in top physical shape: Kadyrov’s son Adam shooting

In addition, Kadyrov posted a martial video in which his children – in clean uniform and sunglasses – can be seen during military training. Surrounded by instructors, they fire machine guns, fire anti-tank missiles and operate other military equipment.

Since the beginning of the war, Kadyrov has posted videos of his fighters almost every day. He often shows them in supposedly dangerous situations, with the Chechens shooting wildly and roaring battle cries.

︎ But even though the videos are shared thousands of times among war-loving Russians, experts scoff at Chechen fighters as “TikTok warriors”. The videos are pure propaganda material that has nothing to do with real combat operations. Kadyrov soldiers did not come to Ukraine to fight, but to steal, intimidate and torture.

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