Kanye West Wants to Run for President of the United

Kanye West Wants to Run for President of the United States

Rapper Kanye West wants to meet him again in 2024 and get involved in the presidential candidacy race. He reportedly asked Donald Trump if he wanted to run for him as his vice president.

Kanye West, rapper, father of Kim Kardashian’s children and former fan of Donald Trump, wants to be elected president of the United States in 2024. The musician, who changed his name to Ye, announced his candidacy by posting his campaign logo and ” Ye 24″ on social media, according to the BBC, among others.

“Trump yelled at me”

West said he asked Donald Trump to run as his running mate. This week, West was spotted at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf course. With him was Nick Fuentes, a prominent white nationalist. West says his request to Trump would have him “very concerned”. In a video, the rapper shares, “Trump yelled at me across the table and said I’m going to lose. Has that ever worked in history?”

Once of an Opinion: Kanye West and Donald TrumpAPA/AFP/Sebastian Smith

Once of an Opinion: Kanye West and Donald Trump

Chaos candidacy has already failed in 2020

The rapper tried his hand as a presidential candidate in 2020 but failed spectacularly. He got 70,000 votes. His announcement came too late at the time, so he was not allowed to compete in six states. His campaign rallies have gone viral, including crying when talking about abortion.

antisemitism, racism and conspiracies

West has recently caused scandals and criticism: at Paris Fashion Week, for example, he appeared in a “White Lives Matter” shirt. Critics of him are funded by a secret Jewish organization, Ye served anti-Semitic conspiracy stories. His agency dropped him because of persistent anti-Semitic statements, and companies such as Gap, Adidas and Balenciaga ended their cooperation. He “lost two billion dollars in one day”, Kanye later said.

Rolling Stone magazine wrote this week that West harassed Adidas employees who work with its Yeezy brand with “pornography, bullying and mind games”. Adidas responded on Thursday and said it was investigating the allegations.