Karol G has faced criticism from some netizens for wearing.webp

Karol G has faced criticism from some netizens for wearing a controversial clothing brand Canal RCN

As part of the celebrations for the month that the album “Tomorrow will be beautiful” celebrates, which opened at the height of circumstances with the release of “TQG”, a song sung by the Colombians Shakira And Carol G, the Paisa singer enjoys the acceptance of Internet users for her new music every day. Although many celebrated this great musical achievement with “La Bichota”, Several users criticized her for the brand of clothing she wore in his latest gallery.

Karol G, the first artist to place an album in Spanish at the top of the Billboard charts

It was really successful days for the native of Medellín, because some of the songs from her new album are very popular with the various radio stations in the country: Tomorrow will be beautiful, While I heal from the heart, your little glasses, TQG And Carolinaare some of the most popular themes.

Through her official Instagram account, followed by more than 60 million people, “La Bichota” did not hide her joy and published a photo gallery in which she tries to express the feeling that “her musical son” evokes in her. “Tomorrow will be beautiful”.

In the snaps, Karol G is wearing baggy pants, a baggy soccer jersey and a hat that reveals the reddish color of her hair. The outfit caught the attention of netizens who did not miss the opportunity fail because of the clothing brand chosen by the Paisa: Balenciaga

Netizens let Karol G know through comments on his release that he chose an inappropriate clothing brand to proudly showcase the success of his music album.

Netizens react to Karol G’s chosen clothing brand in her latest post

In 2022, the brand decided to model expensive bear-shaped bags with children, but they were not innocent characters, but one Product with a tendency to provoke sadomasochism.

“We sincerely apologize for any offense our Christmas campaign may have caused. Our bear bags should not have appeared with children in this campaign. We immediately removed the campaign from all platforms,” ​​the renowned brand said via one of its social media posts.

The release already has more than 2.5 million likes And more than 15 thousand commentsin a large percentage, with netizens disliking the trademark used by Karol G.

“Balenciaga? Seriously?”, “Seriously, Balenciaga, those who promote pedophilia? Are you seriously wearing these people’s clothes?”, “Didn’t we quit Balenciaga?”, “Are you coming here and promoting the pedophiles? A little solidarity please”, “Everything was fine until I saw the brand on the shirt”, “Nice Karol G, but why are you still wearing Balenciaga”, “You are spectacular but these clothes work, terrible”, commented some netizens about the photos of the artist from Antioquia.