Kate Middleton Beauty Princess Has Weird Donts On Hair Makeup

Kate Middleton Beauty: Princess Has Weird Don’ts On Hair, Makeup And Nail Polish Find out!

holder of the title Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has become a trendsetter when it comes to beauty and style. However, the everyday life of the British is full of various rules and prohibitions to be a member of the royal family.

Some of these rules are directly related to Kate’s grooming of nails, hair and more. It has banned enamel color, guidelines on visual alterations, and even aesthetic procedures. Come and see!

Kate Middleton’s makeup always has to be neutral

Did you notice that Kate Middleton is not used to using very pronounced eyes or very colorful lipsticks in her makeup? choose one more natural look is a king’s rule: a subtle sheen and softer colors like earth tonesappear on more formal occasions.

Kate Middleton says goodbye to red lipstick

Lipsticks in brighter colors, such as red and wine, are perfect to give off on the lips. However, such nuances do not occur to Kate Middleton.

In the royal family, such colors are considered too flashy and are therefore disregarded in public appearances. But we’re curious here: Do you agree that Kate Middleton wears red lipstick in the intimacy?

Kate Middleton’s nails follow a subtle palette

The Princess of Wales’s nails also follow this rule of naturalness: they must be of medium length don’t expect to see Kate Middleton with stiletto nails and, if painted, in neutral shades of nail polish.

Her favorite colors are according to insiders 28 Rose Lounge by Bourjois, Nude 423 Allure by Essie🇧🇷

No drastic hair changes

Many women love this radical look at a milestone in their personal lives: a new job, the end of a relationship, the birth of a child… Kate Middleton doesn’t consider this possibility either.

Despite some changes in hair regarding length and lightingthe brown tone is always retained, with naturalness being the main focus.

Kate Middleton’s haircut must always be up to date

Kate Middleton can’t get radical in her hair either do not suffer from split ends for making the cut outdated. A loyal customer of the Richard Ward salon for years, she needs to keep her haircut up to date when she makes public appearances, so she always maintains it 8 or 12 weeks🇧🇷

Leaked makeup, no way!

Whether she’s attending a gala, doing philanthropic activities, or showing off her skills in a particular sport, Kate must always have her makeup intact. In other words: no crying in public that might smudge your mascara!

Jokes aside, it’s a fact that Kate always invests in renowned professionals and makeup products that guarantee long fixation and durability🇧🇷

Kate Middleton is banned from wearing makeup in public

Adjusting makeup or hair may seem trivial to most women, but it’s out of the question for Kate. Retouching of hair and makeup in public is prohibited. by royal codes: it should only be done if she has a little privacy.

Absolute discretion regarding aesthetic treatments

Kate Middleton turned 40 in January this year and has already made headlines with questions about her looks. The list of beauty rules also includes discretion in aesthetic treatments: in 2019, for example, she made a statement denying a plastic surgeon who claimed to have her as a patient Botox application🇧🇷