Katherine Levac fires TVA Sports Michel Bergeron and MONONCLES.webp

Katherine Levac fires TVA Sports’ Michel Bergeron and MONONCLES

– If Katherine Levac was a leader of TVA Sports…

– Or RDS…

– She would put everything OLD in front of the DOOR…

– From Michel Bergeron to Yvon Pedneault via Jean-Charles Lajoie…(TVA Sports)

– From Gaston Therrien to Mario Tremblay, via Benoît Brunet and Gilbert Delorme (RDS)

– The world of sports media can’t get any younger…

– The MONONCLES take up the whole PLACE.

– MONCONLES WAR… and obsolete…

– Who take the place of young journalists ready to start their careers…

– But those behind the MONONCLE MAFIA are BLOCKED.

– So it was with the world of HUMOR..

– Controlled by the OLD of yore…

– But the MONONCLES were stomped… by today’s youth…

– To the point where I TRY them…

– Will this happen in the world of sports media?

– It’s time…

– Even if it makes the MATANTES PEPINE….

– “Get off my uncle!” »

During Sunday’s Olivier’s gala, we were treated to a festival of ‘old people’ jokes, all thrown into the same basket as if they were all overwhelmed and disconnected, as if everything that happened before the arrival of millennials on the Earth was done should be thrown in the trash. Sophie Durocher, Journal de Montreal.

It is strange: for the new generation, all forms of discrimination are to be banned, except for one: discrimination against older people.

gender discrimination ? Cheeky.

Racism? Terrible.

But ageism? No problem !

During the humor gala hosted by Katherine Levac (33), we were treated to: – A botched tribute to a giant of humor, Jean Lapointe (died aged 87).

– A whole act to ridicule “old” comedians. –

jokes about Louis-José Houde “too old” (he’s 46!),

Guy Nantel not “inclusive” enough (he’s 55),

Christian Bégin not fast enough (he is 60 years old).

In a gala number, Virginie Fortin (36) and Arnaud Soly (33), disguised as Pat and Mat, two tall, clumsy colonists, sang, “Humor was better before, when we were just better white guys, when we fight with our obese jokes, we could just say: come on, we’re being silly! “.

The part of the song that intrigued me the most is this: “We didn’t apologize for our wandering hands, there were no victims, just lucky guys”. hmmmm So the new generation of comedians are really good with women? Haha, that’s the best joke of the night!

As if to forgive those crude clichés about “old humor,” a group of kids dressed up as Marie-Lise Pilote, Daniel Lemire, Mario Jean, Claude Meunier, Sol, Michel Barrette, and Pierre Brassard sang, “We have mark your imagination with our legendary characters. Hey boy, great ten seconds to recognize those who “paved the way”.

Even Radio Canadian through and through, Dany Turcotte tweeted: “The disdain of the new generation of comedians for the old ones seems pretty common! »

But the greatest uneasiness of the evening will have been the starving and anemic tribute to Jean Lapointe. All in all it was 30 seconds… until the commercial break. Music on black and white photos, no narration reminiscent of the highlights of the comedian’s career.

What an affront to sweep such a great artist under the rug! Even MC Gilles, but also radio Canadian to the fingertips, tweeted with a good dose of sarcasm: “Did you miss the tribute to Jean Lapointe? I also have a freaking habit of blinking…