In an interview with Vea magazine, Kathy Sáenz shared how difficult it was to start her relationship with actor Sebastián Martínez. The former beauty queen, like Alina Lozano, has been harshly criticized by people close and distant.
Kathy Sáenz began her romance with Martínez when she was 34 and he was 23. That is, he is 11 years older than the protagonist of “Pálpito”. The presenter also assured the said medium that she had to put up with the claim that she was “the worst woman in the world”. She even recalled being told they would not hire her again.
“I was in great pain and suffering” to express. Nonetheless, Kathy Sáenz, who is now 51, said that at the time she found support from other women who were in the same situation.
“I found them on the street and they said to me, ‘I have a partner who is younger than me and I could never tell,’ and that’s how it was.” “You fall in love with the soul, you don’t fall in love with the age,” the Bogotá woman added to Vea magazine.
Kathy Saenz and Sebastian Martinez
Although it wasn’t easy for Kathy Sáenz and Sebastián Martínez in their relationship, they decided to put their love above all else. They have currently been together for 17 years and have a son.
Who is Kathy Saenz?
Kathy Sáenz is a Colombian actress and former beauty queen. He was born on January 11, 1972 in Bogotá. He has developed a distinguished career in the entertainment industry, primarily in television.
In 1992, Kathy represented Bogotá at the national beauty pageant in Colombia, where she was named Miss Colombia International. Thanks for that represented the country at Miss International 1993 and won the award for Best Handmade Costume.
Kathy Sáenz is also the sister of Mary Shirley Sáenz, Miss Colombia 1977, and Julie Pauline Sáenz, Miss Colombia 1982. She has appeared in telenovelas such as La Gloria de Lucho, Dora la celadora, Primera dama and Solterita ya the order’.
So far she has been in a relationship with Sebastián Martínez. Their relationship produced their son Amador Martínez Sáenz. Kathy has repeatedly stressed that her romance with the actor is stronger than ever and that her role as a father is “exemplary”.
“How nice to have another excuse to tell you that you are the best father in the world, you are a model father, full of wonderful qualities that were and will be a great example ❤️✨ Thank you for the love, devotion and infinite quality of giving day after day with such a big and pure heart,” the artist wrote on her social networks.