Kayky Brito fans suspect crisis after family excludes wife

Kayky Brito fans suspect crisis after family excludes wife

Kayky Brito and Tamara, his wife

Kayky Brito and Tamara, his wife

Photo: @instagram

After Kayky BritoWhen the 34yearold was released from the hospital, fans began speculating about a crisis within the actor’s family. He was hospitalized for 27 days after being hit by a car in Rio de Janeiro on September 2nd.

The crisislike distrust began when Sandra and Sthefany, Kayky’s mother and sister, posted photos and tributes to him on Instagram. In the photos and texts is the actor’s wife, Tamara Dalcanaleis neither seen nor mentioned, which caused suspicion among the public.

“After the worst nightmare of my life […]”Once again, like every day, God has blessed us with the most anticipated moment since the beginning: my brother going home!” he wrote Stephanie Brito. “My mother, father and husband are always tireless,” he added.

Sandra, the matriarch of the family, also texted on her Instagram to celebrate her son’s discharge from the hospital. “They were very difficult days… There was a lot of crying, sadness and decisions. Every morning I woke up and cried a lot and talked to God,” she began. “You have no idea how all this has strengthened us. Special thanks to Sthefany Brito and Igor Raschkovsky.” [marido da atriz]”.

In the comments, the actor’s followers quickly noticed that Sandra and Sthefany didn’t mention Tamara.

Kayky Brito and Tamara Dalcanale and their son Kael

Photo: @instagram

“Guys, how absurd that you don’t mention the woman who looked after him!” said one. “It’s sad to see that the family didn’t come together for him even in such a delicate moment when the fragility of life becomes clear,” analyzed another. “Why aren’t his wife and son in the photos?” asked a third. “The strangest thing is that the one who was married and should have been with him when he left the hospital was his wife. It’s very strange that she hasn’t shown up to him yet,” pointed out a fourth.

In her profile, Tamara explained that she had accompanied Kayky in the intensive care unit for several days, but now had to say goodbye as she had to return to Curitiba to take care of the children. In the text she explained herself to the actor and showed no signs of a crisis within the family.

“It was 27 long days. Days of torment, of overcoming, but above all days of victory!” […] God gave me the strength to endure what I had to endure to be with you by your side and not collapse. And despite everything, I remained steadfast, day after day, minute after minute. Our fight continues, with courage and the awareness that we are stronger together! I love you,” he declared. “I would like to thank Márcia and Zeca, the most sensational couple, and their entire family, who opened the doors of their home, welcomed me and looked after me like a daughter.” I cannot express how grateful I am to you am everything.

Tamara and Kayky are parents to Kael, 1 year and 8 months old. In the post, she thanks the entire team of medical professionals who helped her husband, but does not mention the actor’s family.

Who's who in Kayky Brito's family?
Who’s who in Kayky Brito’s family?

Source: Redação Terra