Kevin Costner reckons his ex is using the support money

Kevin Costner reckons his ex is using the support money for cosmetic surgery

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner’s split didn’t go well because, despite the fact that they were married for 18 years, the issues surrounding the support the actor gives to their children have caused a major scandal ever since he is It pays $248,000 a month in child support, an amount that seems exorbitant to him, so much so that he suspects his ex-wife is misusing that money to spend on alleged cosmetic surgery he needs to undergo.

According to TMZ, Costner’s ex-partner justifies the expenses incurred by her and her three children; Cayden (15 years old), Hayes (14) and Grace (12) perform monthly surgeries, increasing the basic needs of the money they believed to have invested in aesthetic surgery processes and access to other services.

That dictates a new document the actor included with the divorce papers, but according to Kevin and his rep, that wouldn’t be the only “whim” Christine would invest the money in, but they also noted that she did it for you have spent money shopping at prestigious boutiques and withdrawing large amounts of money from ATMs, along with other expenses unrelated to their children’s needs.

Costner’s complaint is that most of the money he gives towards child support is used by his ex for personal expenses, as he believes Baumgartner is using the actor’s money to pay his own attorney, who is advising her on the breakup of marriage.

After uncovering some of the activities Christine allegedly invested her children’s money into, Costner’s attorney determined the amount his client’s ex is actually spending on their children’s education. He fluctuates between 51,000 and 940, almost half the amount he currently deposits with Baumgartner.

And while Christine hasn’t ruled on those allegations, after months of refusing to vacate Costner’s home, the famed bag designer, she has reached an agreement with the actor, through her attorney, in which she promised to vacate the home and to look for a new apartment to live in until the end of August.

However, she remains steadfast in contesting the prenuptial agreement she signed in 2004, agreeing that the money and property Costner was working on before he met her would remain 100 percent his.