The US Congress remains without a President but McCarthy breaks

Kevin McCarthy, President Elect of the Lower House of the US Congress

have been missing 15 votes and four days that have come into the dawn of the fifth mayhem and drama and a sad show but the The United States House of Commons has finally elected its President and it will be able to start its legislative work after days of paralysis.

in one tense night that came right away Second anniversary of the storming of the Capitoland the 2021 night session certifying Joe Biden’s victory after that riot, Kevin McCarthythe Republican, faced with a revolt by about twenty of the most radical members of his party, has achieved thanks to a number of big concessions to the ultraconservatives appease this revolt and be chosen “speaker”.

That election came in a session that again came close to derailing for McCarthy, and which has once again revealed the problems he may face with what may be his bank’s most extremist wing, to which he has bestowed tremendous power to fulfill his ambition to hold office to reach.

last drama

McCarthy’s final sprint was dramatic. After managing to break the revolt that Friday morning with his concessions and two votes to get 15 of the 21 Republican votes that had prevented him from gaining a majority, the session was suspended until 10 p.m. to allow the to continue negotiations.

When it’s started, McCarthy’s Night Session He went into the 14th round of voting full of confidence in his victory, thanks to some sort of deal with the six remaining rogue congressmen that would allow the math to get out. “I have the votes & rdquor;said the confident Californian.

However, things didn’t turn out the way I calculated and McCarthy suffered another humiliation. Four Republicans voted for other candidates viz Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz they changed their vows to “presente & rdquor”; most did not arrive.

They then unleashed the chaos and anger and they lived embarrassing momentswith also physical tension in camera. McCarthy has crossed the line angry wordsso with Gaetz. Mike Rogersa Republican congressman, had to be physically included by a colleague as he menacingly approached the Florida congressman.

Marjorie Taylor Greeneanother radical congresswoman, but one who has supported McCarthy in this process, walked through the chamber with a Cell phone on which he received a call from ex-President Donald Trumpwho also supported the McCarthy presidency.

The chaos continued when, after that vote failed, a vote was taken to suspend the session until Monday. And although at one point this suspension won a majority, agreements were reached spontaneously and Republicans themselves decided to continue the session in order to achieve it fifteenth vote, that was the one in which McCarthy was eventually elected. The final tally: 216 votes in his favor, 212 for Democrat Hakeem Jeffries, and six “present.”


Beyond the spectacle of these final days, the first time in a century that a speaker of the House of Representatives was not elected on the first ballot, and the first time since the mid-19th century that so many rounds of voting were required, the resolution of this historic impasse has consequences. And it was only possible because McCarthy was willing to agree to it Right-wing extremism ratifying and increasing its crucial weight in the Republican Party and in the lower house.

Although the pact has not yet been officially released, some of its elements are already known. McCarthy, for example, accepted that a single congressman can start it Process to dismiss the “speaker”. At the previous Congress, only the leaders of the parties could move this motion of no confidence, and McCarthy had agreed in the early negotiations that five representatives could do so. He then affirmed that number was his red line, but he eventually crossed it, falling to just one, which is widely interpreted as one weakening of their own strength.

Significantly, McCarthy has also agreed, according to various reports Increase ultra-conservative representation on key committees the camera. And a fundamental mandate is that this conservative wing can elect a third of MPs powerful rules committeewho decides what legislation will be debated in the House and how.

Federal spending and debt ceiling

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Also crucial to the next two years in Washington is another concession McCarthy has made to the demands of the most extreme members of his party: if it comes up in the House of Representatives Legislation on Public Expenditure Will be allowed A single lawmaker can debate and vote on an unlimited number of amendments to the bill. And this move raises fears that government laws or the defense budget will be jeopardized. It also indicates potential crisis when the time comes later this year Raising the debt ceiling.

According to various media, the agreement package also includes a commitment to carry out specific votes immigration and on the term limitation The legislator.