Key gives Gustavo panties and gets underwear Remember me Splash

Key gives Gustavo panties and gets underwear: ‘Remember me’ Splash

While packing, Key Alves and Gustavo, who are on the first wall of BBB 23, swapped underwear. The two live an affair on the show.

“Too lazy to pack my things, folks. The only thing I’ve taken apart so far is a pair of panties,” Key said. She then added, throwing the underwear at Gustavo: “Wait a minute… You’re going to wear my panties too! What do you think? That I won’t give you any tea?”

“Those were those panties, huh,” the brother laughed. He then tossed one of his underwear to Key and said, “Fair exchange, eh?”.

“I’m wearing these as shorts here,” replied the volleyball player.

“You will always remember me,” Gustavo said.

“Just looking at his underwear?” Key asked.

“Yes, I hope we remember together, close together. Together,” replied the farmer.

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