Kherson Two civilians killed in Ukrainian rocket attack German

Kherson: Two civilians killed in Ukrainian rocket attack (German)

A Ukrainian rocket attack on a village in the Russian-occupied Kherson region of southern Ukraine killed two civilians and injured two others on Saturday (December 16, 2023), a local occupation official said.

“Most of the missiles were shot down by air defense, but one HIMARS hit the ground and exploded during a humanitarian aid delivery,” Vladimir Saldo, head of Russia's regional occupation administration, said on Telegram.

According to him, Russian soldiers “who helped unload” were also injured in the attack on the village of Nova Maiachka.

The Kherson region in southern Ukraine is partially occupied by Russia and both sides' positions are bordered by the Dnieper.

Russians and Ukrainians each control one river bank.

Russia regularly bombs the city of Kherson and its surroundings, causing deaths and injuries.

HIMARS rocket launchers were delivered to Ukraine by the US and allow Kiev to attack Russian positions far behind the front lines.

JU (afp, ap)