Kickback rain but the left blushes over a joke from

Kickback rain, but the left blushes over a joke from Cav

Pockets full of bills. bribes to clean up the criminal record of a state that, when things are going well, tramples on human rights. And again: NGOs that “served to circulate money”, unbridled luxury and 100,000 euros of vacation, an investigation which, according to investigators’ leaks, “would not be limited to just the four arrested, but would concern several MEPs payroll of Qatar”. And yet, instead of standing in front of this infernal circle of corruption, they snap to the left (once again) at a joke made in a social setting Silvio Berlusconi. There are those who, like Laura Boldrini, tear their hair out in the name of sexism, and those who support Verdi and the Italian left who want the Cavaliere “out of public life forever”. And there are people who question even Meloni, who, after getting the green light from Brussels for the budget law, is leaving for the European Council and has a lot more work to do.

But let’s get to that to kid by Berlusconi, who left the sincere souls of our left horrified. It all starts with a video recorded last night and then entrusted to social networks. Once online, virality has run its course. Context: Christmas dinner in Monza. In the offensive clip, we see the former prime minister standing in the middle of the tables chatting casually. “We found a new coach who was the coach of our Primavera team – he says – he’s good, nice, friendly and able to motivate our boys.” Then the joke: “I gave extra stimulation and said to the boys: ‘Now come Juventus and Milan ‘”. Nobody at the tables tore their clothes or took them on. They laughed, as is normal.

Instead, the left thought to freak us out. The grill Chiara Appendino speaks of “miserable” concepts, even “dangerous”. Laura Boldrini he puts the big load in (“Bercious sexism used as a student spirit”) and obviously questions the entire centre-right party: “I remember that Meloni, Salvini and Tajani wanted Berlusconi as President of the Republic”. It’s a competition to see who shoots the biggest. “A shame for all Italian men and women,” he ventures Markus Grimaldi (Alliance Greens and Left). And then +Europe: “From the 1980s to the present, our national boomer draws on the same inventory of insults with which he has always polluted the political and secular news.” We also come on Twitter Monica Cirinna: “It confirms the patriarchal culture that reduces women to objects, the antechamber of violence”.

All outraged by what some may find excessive but remains a joke, all the more pronounced in a context that is anything but institutional. Not even Berlusconi expected such a stir for what he describes as “a simple ‘dressing room’ joke, playful and clearly paradoxical”. And faced with this paradoxical chaos, all he can do is pity the professor’s critics. “Perhaps – dares the former prime minister – it is only their complete lack of humor that makes them so sad and also so mean for no reason when attacking their enemies.” After all, what else could we have expected? Likewise the left. Blushes when you say le profanitybut hardly blinks at a million and a half in cash.