Kickl wants to eliminate the latest corona measures

Kickl wants to eliminate the latest corona measures

In . – 12.28.2022 10:16 (act. 12.28.2022 10:16)

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl wants to legally abolish existing corona measures.

FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl wants to legally abolish existing corona measures. ©APA/ROLAND SCHLAGER

FPÖ chief Herbert Kickl wants to scrap any legal corona measures that still exist.

Kickl referred to recent statements by scientists, such as the German virologist Christian Drosten, that the corona pandemic is over. “All legal residues from the Covid pandemic must be removed as soon as possible,” Kickl demanded in a broadcast on Wednesday. The head of the FPÖ wants to dissolve the government-created Gecko Commission.

Kickl wants to eliminate “legal waste from the Covid pandemic”.

Drosten explained in an interview with “Tagesspiegel” that this winter “the first endemic wave with SARS-CoV-2 is being experienced, in my opinion the pandemic is over”. Virologist Dorothee von Laer of the Medical University of Innsbruck also agrees with this view. Corona “sneaked out” and is now part of another series of colds or viral infections such as the flu, explained Von Laer to the APA. Covid-19 will look like this.

Kickl wants to submit requests for the abolition of corona measures

Kickl took the opportunity to announce the corresponding motions for the next session of the National Council: “After the corona pandemic is over for the so-called experts, on whose opinion the black-green federal government has based all legal restrictions and discrimination without regard to rights and freedoms, let’s present the relevant motions in the next plenary session so that this madness ends immediately and for good!” The COVID-19 Measures Law must “immediately repeal” and “everything related to Covid must be immediately removed from the Epidemic Law”.

Kickl also wants to abolish the Gecko Commission

The Gecko Commission, which wants to abolish Kickl, obviously warned before Christmas that Corona should not be underestimated, even when it becomes endemic. Even so, there could be “massive weakenings” that would require local action. Corona will also cause problems if it is endemic, simply because there will be a greater burden of disease across the world. In addition, “Long Covid” will affect general well-being and the ability to earn a living, and increase health care costs. Epidemiologist Eva Schernhammer, member of the Gecko Commission, also noted a few days ago that an endemic phase can already be approached. However, if a disease becomes endemic, it does not necessarily mean a positive development, she warned: “For example, malaria is endemic in certain latitudes. But that doesn’t make malaria any less dangerous.”