Kidnapping of Jesus Criminals demand R 10000 to save the

Kidnapping of Jesus: Criminals demand R$ 10,000 to save the figure Edital Concursos Brasil

A somewhat unusual kidnapping was recorded last weekend in the Alicante region of Spain. With crime rates rising around the world, not even Catholicism's most important figure could escape. According to the criminals themselves, they had done this kidnapped baby Jesuswhich for many religious people is only a few days away, namely December 25th.

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The criminal couple stole last Sunday (17) the Jesus sculpture that was part of a decorative nativity scene in the town of San Vicente del Raspeig. According to the videos released by the criminals, the work was stolen during the night. To return the sculpture, the duo demanded a ransom of 2,000 euros (more than R$10,000).

Kidnapping of Jesus: Criminals demand R$10,000 as ransom for the figureKidnapping of Jesus: Criminals demand R$10,000 as ransom for the figureKidnapping of Jesus, in which criminals demand R$ 10,000 as a ransom for the figure (Image: Reproduction/TikTok)

Criminals were arrested by local police

In the video published online in which they plead for the rescue of the baby Jesus, the duo accused the Spanish police of “not taking adequate care of the baby Jesus”, which would have facilitated the robbery. According to the website Extra, the perpetrators have been identified and arrested. When the Spanish government representative in Alicante, Carlos Sánchez, learned of the incident, he classified the crime as “very regrettable because it is not funny at all.”

The ransom was not paid because the criminals were arrested. However, the sculpture was recovered after it was found near a trash can in the city. After cleaning and damage repair processes, the baby Jesus returned to the nativity scene set up by the local government.

In response to the incident, the police of the city of San Vicente del Raspeig promised to strengthen the security of the Christmas decorations. The video posted by the criminals on TikTok quickly spread across the internet and became one of the most commented on videos of the weekend. There is no information whether the sculpture thieves remain in prison or whether they have already been released by the police.