Kidnappings and ambulance raids all the horrors of Hamas

Kidnappings and ambulance raids: all the horrors of Hamas

There is a video, one of the few, that is not gross but definitely very disturbing and makes us understand the current situation in the region Southern Israel. Some civilians can be seen in a large trash can that has been hidden to avoid detection by Hamas militants who have just taken over their location. The video was widely distributed telegram: No civilian was ready for war, everyone ran away from home in their nightgowns, a sign of how horror had spread and surprised residents and authorities.

The hostages taken to Gaza

The civilians hiding in the box apparently saw how some neighbors had recently been kidnapped by Hamas fighters. And in fact, the Internet is full of horror videos in which several residents of the communities occupied by the militia members are forcibly loaded onto some vehicles and taken there Gaza. For example, there is a video in which a woman is forced to get into a truck after being surprised near her home. A short distance away, a relative, perhaps a friend, is being held by the arms and led who knows where on foot.

After Hamas entered Israeli territory not far from the Gaza border, it began carrying out the attacks Raids Of every kind. According to Israeli media, at least 50 civilians were taken hostage. The fighters themselves confirm this, even if the numbers are smaller. Not only civilians, but among the hostages there would also be gods Military. For Hamas, however, there is no difference: the movement’s leaders do not speak of hostages, but of Prisoners of war regardless of whether the people being forcibly taken into Gaza are wearing uniforms or civilian clothing.

Prisoners who, at least temporarily, serve Hamas during their lifetime. In fact, any hostage could be a basic hostage Commercial collateral in case of negotiations. However, once captured Israelis enter the Gaza Strip, they are subjected to the humiliating practice of being displayed as trophies. Many of them are passed around in the street while the crowd complains. In one video, an elderly woman also appears in a vehicle driven by a militia member as people around her shout insults. However, in another image, another woman is captured in a selfie with a fighter, whose face is obscured.

But there are also those who arrived in Gaza lifeless. A video circulated on Telegram showing a lifeless body lying on a truck speeding through the streets of the Strip. Someone from the people around the corpse spits on the naked body. On X there are those who have hypothesized that the body belonged to an Israeli soldier. She may have died in the clashes or been kidnapped and killed immediately afterwards. There are currently around twenty dead and over 500 injured among civilians and soldiers. Some may have been killed in cold blood, others were probably in the middle of urban battles.

The video shows the mother who was kidnapped along with her children

The image of a young mother taken away with her newborn children also confirms the moment of horror in southern Israel. The case was reported by The Jewish Chronicle newspaper, whose journalists examined the video from which one of the symbolic images of the situation came.

The crying mother wrapped her children in a blanket and was then taken to Gaza. His fate is currently unknown. In addition, you can see this in other videos Separation between parents and children carried out by Hamas militants loading the hostages onto trucks. A gesture intended to increase the fear and terror of the victims. Unfortunately, judging by the many similar images on social media, the number of hostages and civilians involved in these hours of war could be much higher than that announced in the Israeli press.

Hamas shoots at ambulances

Some wounded Israeli soldiers were later killed during the rescue. In fact, Hamas released a video showing a drone hitting youambulance. The vehicle appeared to be Israeli and may have been a rescuer carrying injured soldiers to the nearest hospital during clashes along the border.

In this case, Hamas had no mercy for either the injured or the rescuers. Shooting at ambulances is also prohibited in the context of war. However, the Islamist movement is demonstrating in these hours that it has no composure even with martial law. What prevails in this phase is just a wild hatred that leaves little room for a sense of humanity. And what sows terror among surprised civilians.