Kiev: Russians begin recruiting women for war

Russia reportedly began recruiting women to fight in the war in Ukraine. This was revealed by the portal Important Stories (Stories), which defines itself as one of the few sources of independent investigative journalism in Russia, according to which female snipers and drone operators are being recruited into a mercenary unit under the command of the Ministry of Defense.

The article, entitled “Not created just for the kitchen and children,” states that the women are offered a six-month contract with a monthly salary of 220,000 rubles, around 2,300 euros, with a bonus in case of injury in the field, between one and 3 million rubles and in Death, for the heirs, 5 million. The job advertisement appeared on the Russian social media site Vkontakte. One of the recruiters told stories that they are looking for women who are already trained to handle weapons, while those who are not trained will undergo a month-long training.