Kim Kardashians son Saint fends off paparazzi again TMZ

Kim Kardashian’s son Saint fends off paparazzi again – TMZ

Kim Kardashian’s son Saint shows off dad again…mom plays parental defense

Oct 31, 2023 6:58am PT

Kim KardashianHis eldest son is preparing for his role in his famous family – he’s the one who puts the paparazzi first in his book and he’s just got the finger to show them!!!

7 years old Saints was once again caught flipping the bird for a photo in WeHo… this when his mother took him and his friends to a restaurant after a basketball practice on Friday. As they exit their vehicle, Saint quickly gives the middle finger to someone across the street.

Of course, Kim isn’t too happy about this… and quickly slaps her hand down, to Saint’s amusement. Sounds like one of the dads who snapped laughed about it too.

Remember, he did this last month … and KK chastised him there too.

FWIW…Saint’s irritation with the media is shared by his older sister, northbecause she was seen too I tell them to go away in emphatic words.

You could say both children inherited it from their dad, who had a knack for it Chew out porridge over the years. Kim, on the other hand, seems to know that attention comes with being rich and famous.

Maybe the little ones will adopt their approach at some point. Or not!