King Charles and the tie with the flags of Greece

King Charles and the tie with the flags of Greece, message on the marbles of the Parthenon?

According to Greek media, the vote would be an implicit show of support for Athens after the dispute between British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis over the marbles kept in the British Museum that Greece wants back

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While London and Athens argue over the Parthenon Marbles kept in the British capital, King Charles III decided to show off a tie with lots of small Greek flags on the second day of Cop 28 in Dubai (WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS). According to the Guardian, the ruler may have simply made an aesthetic choice with this tie or wanted to pay homage to his Greek heritage, as his father was born in Corfu. But in Athens, the media was quick to interpret the vote as an implicit show of support for Greece, after a row between Prime Ministers Rishi Sunak and Kyriakos Mitsotakis over marbles stored in the British Museum that Greece wants back.

The connection of Charles III with Greece

A royal source limited the matter to reporting that the tie (which was to be sold at an exclusive boutique in Kolonaki, Athens) was part of Charles’ collection and was also worn at the Horse Guards Parade during Korea’s recent state visit South, as on previous occasions. Charles III, who regularly vacationed in his father’s homeland, always said he felt “a deep connection with Greece, its landscape, its history and its culture.”

epa08858719 A woman walks on the restored paths in front of the Parthenon Temple at the Acropolis archaeological site in Athens, Greece, December 03, 2020. The Athens Acropolis became fully accessible for people with disabilities following a restoration of the paths and the inauguration of a new building elevator .  EPA/LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/POOL

In-depth analysis

Parthenon, UK-Greece clash: Sunak cancels meeting with Mitsotakis

King Charles III at Cop28 in Dubai – ©Getty


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