Klinik Landstraße uses innovative therapies to treat obesity | City Vienna

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The number of people with obesity is increasing rapidly. Around 1.2 million people are affected in Austria. World Obesity Day, on March 4, 2024, draws attention to this. The number of people with obesity is increasing rapidly. Around 1.2 million people are affected in Austria. World Obesity Day, on March 4, 2024, draws attention to this.

Vienna (OTS) – Risk factors for obesity include lack of sleep, shift work, chronic stress, imbalance in intestinal bacteria, little physical activity, but also chemical substances such as plasticizers, which have a negative impact on hormonal balance. Additionally, the brain – specifically the hypothalamus – also plays a crucial role. “To ensure survival even during a drought or cold period, the hypothalamus constantly tries to regain the maximum weight reached,” explains Johanna Brix, internist and head of the obesity clinic at the Landstraße Clinic and the Wienerberg Diabetes Center. This process makes it difficult to maintain weight in the long term after weight loss.

High increase in obesity diseases

Between 2003 and 2018 alone, the number of young men with obesity increased to more than 10 percent. “We know this exactly from a 15-year comparison in the military, in which young people are examined for their health suitability,” explains Brix. Since 2000, obesity has been recognized as a chronic disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). The Vienna Health Network has special obesity clinics for the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with obesity.

Revolution in obesity therapy

“Obesity is a chronic disease and therefore cannot be cured simply by eating less. A multidisciplinary approach is needed that takes into account all causes,” says Brix. New effective medications offer hope. “They are based on intestinal hormones that inhibit the feeling of hunger, provoke a feeling of satiety and moderate cravings,” explains Brix .

This results in weight loss. At the same time, these medications also affect comorbidities such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and blood lipids. This was the result of a large international study involving the Landstrasse Clinic. “This is a revolution. So far we have successfully used these medicines in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. But it is now clear that people with obesity and previous cardiovascular disease also benefit from this,” says Brix. Because the risk of cardiovascular disease also decreases when you take these medications.

⃰ Source: https://www.statistics.at/statistics/bevoelkerung-und-sociales/gesundheit/gesundheitsbehaviour/ueberweight-und-adipositas



Questions and contact:

Magician Anne Frankenberg
Vienna Health Association
Press spokesperson
Telephone: +43 1 71165 1410
Email: [email protected]