Korybko says the West is in the process of approving

Korybko says the West is in the process of approving the resumption of peace talks with Ukraine

Geopolitical analyst reckons use of cluster bombs could be final chapter of war

In the background the Presidents Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukraine) as well as Russian troops on Ukrainian soil

247 The sequence of events detailed in this analysis suggests that the West is preparing to authorize the resumption of Kiev’s peace talks with Russia by the end of the year, once its deputy’s NATObacked counteroffensive is forced to halt due to the arrival of winter, geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko wrote in his substack. Until then, however, they are desperately sending in more silver bullets in the hope that those weapons could push Russia back a little further and put their side in a comparatively better position than it currently has in these seemingly inevitable negotiations. Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov correctly assessed that his host’s decision to send cluster munitions (cluster bombs) to Ukraine was “a gesture of desperation” after Kiev’s NATObacked counteroffensive ahead of the Union summit couldn’t make much progress next week. This conclusion stems from three related events on the same day and leaves no doubt that this is a lastminute move by the warmongers in Washington.

Biden told CNN in a preview of the interview, due to be published Sunday, that “the Ukrainians are running out of ammunition… This is a war involving ammunition. And they’re running out of ammo, and we’re running low.” Zelenskyy admitted last March that “we don’t have the ammo,” but Western pundits and trolls quashed his testimony because it went against their narrative, but now it is impossible to ignore as Biden himself drew attention to it. The second development was Assistant Secretary of Defense Colin Kahl’s admission that the “Ukrainian counteroffensive is proceeding more slowly than expected”. Taken together, the testimonies of these two authoritative sources prove that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was correct in midFebruary when he described his bloc’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine as a “logistic race”. As you can see, the block’s stock levels are quickly running out with no onsite progress.

Finally, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman shared a Telegram video of former White House press secretary Jen Psaki calling Russia’s alleged use of cluster munitions last year a “war crime,” confirming just how desperate the US really is to send these weapons to Ukraine. As with the HIMARS, Bradleys and various other Western shipments to this country since February 24th, 2022, cluster munitions are the latest silver bullets destined to disappoint the West.