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Kremlin critic Navalny placed in solitary confinement again news

Jailed Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny says he has been transferred to solitary confinement again. Navalny said online today that he received seven days in the isolation cell. Navalny regularly reports harassment by prison authorities, who repeatedly send him to solitary confinement for alleged rule violations.

This time, he said, the guards accused him of not presenting himself properly. According to Navalny's spokeswoman, this is the 24th time in such a punishment cell. Navalny has already spent a total of 273 days in isolation.

Concern about lack of communication

In late December, Navalny was transferred to a remote penal colony in the Russian polar region. During the 20-day detention transfer, his family members received no news from Navalny and were very worried about him.

His supporters suspect that Russian authorities are trying to further isolate Navalny ahead of March's presidential elections, which will see current President Vladimir Putin emerge as the winner.