Kyiv mayor says Ukraine is becoming authoritarian and challenges Zelensky

Kyiv mayor says Ukraine is becoming authoritarian and challenges Zelensky

Vitali Klitschko praised the leadership role of the mayors during the Russian military operation

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247 The mayor of the Ukrainian capital Kiev, former boxer Vitali Klitschko, once again criticized the government of President Volodymyr Zelensky and accused the president of a tendency towards authoritarianism.

“At some point we will no longer be different from Russia, where everything depends on the mood of one man,” Klitschko told the German newspaper Der Spiegel.

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He further said that Ukraine was leaderless and chaotic in the first months of the Russian military operation, and praised Ukrainian mayors for their leadership, protecting their residents and supporting the military.

Klitschko had several disputes with Zelensky before the Russian military operation and several more recently. Russia has been conducting a military operation in Ukraine since February 24, 2022.

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According to the country’s legislation, presidential elections in Ukraine are scheduled to take place in March 2024. However, the Ukrainian constitution prohibits the holding of elections under martial law, which has been in effect since the start of the Russian military operation. On November 8, the Ukrainian parliament approved the extension of martial law in the country for the ninth time until February 14, 2024. At the time, Zelensky expressed his belief that “it is not the right time” for elections in the country.

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