La Casa de los Famosos 4: Video of the fight between Lupillo Rivera and Alfredo Adame revealed

The controversy doesn't stop The house of the famous. After the elimination gala last Monday, February 19th, Alfredo Adame and Lupillo Rivera starred in one of the most heated fights of season four. The discussion between the Mexican and the Long Beach, California native caused the censorship of the cameras around the clock.

Since the transmission was interrupted, we quickly Rumors of a new meeting appeared on social networks, during which arguments broke out. Even, There was talk of an ambulance arriving at the residence and the departure of one of those involved. However, everything points to that These claims are false, so everything remained a rumor.

They reveal a video of the fight between Lupillo Rivera and Alfredo Adame

After the censorship of the cameras the morning of Telemundo, Todayrevealed the video of the fight between Lupillo Rivera and Alfredo Adame. Here you can see how The singer and the driver begin exchanging verbal insults. In order to prevent the discussion from escalating into fistfights, His roommates Romeh and Guty came in to separate them. Next, the audiovisual representation of the meeting.

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Why did they fight? That is known

The fight began after the fourth elimination round of the reality, the same in which Mariana González was excluded from the competition.

The nomination grid initially consisted of: Gregorio Pernía, Clovis Nienow, Ariadna Gutiérrez and Rodrigo Romeh from Tierra; Alfredo Adame, from Water; and Mariana Gonzalez from Fuego. However, Gregory took advantage of the blessing of salvation to help Ariadna and remove her from the list of nominees instead of saving herself, which raised expectations of his departure among the residents of the house. However, The public decided to save him and get Mariana out.

The public's decision Adame's anger unleashedbecause this ensures that It was about a strategy by Gregorio and the fourth earth to stay in the house. Given that, Lupillo accused him of being a sore loser, which led to insults between both leaders.