Labeled as the state press organ, the American NPR leaves Twitter: “Follow us on other social networks”

Tensions between Elon Musk and the world of journalism are rising: the BBC and the US broadcaster are (wrongly) defined as “government media”.

Branded on Twitter as a state-funded press organ, a bit like the various Russia Today and China Daily (which they really are): for that reason the National Public Radio American has announced its intention to leave the social network run by Elon Musk.

NPR is one of the biggest media outlets in the world, definitely has almost 9 million followers on Twitter it is not a state-funded news agency (he gets less than 1% of his money from the American one) and ended up in this new labeling frenzy, which Musk said would aim to offer users “maximum transparency”. Is this it also touched the BBCso much so that the historic British broadcaster contacted the entrepreneur directly to demand explanations and the removal of the state-funded media sign.

At the time of writing, the BBC no longer has the controversial label, while NPR does (it’s also in English on Twitter Italy): The US broadcaster announced online its intention to “leave Twitter after being mislabeled as pro-state media” and that all of their accounts “will no longer be active on Twitter because The platform takes actions that undermine our credibilitywhich incorrectly implies that we are not editorially independent.”

Obviously: “There are many ways to keep in touch with us NewsThe Music and NPR’s cultural content,” the company wrote (on Twitter), directing its followers to the direct links of the other social networks where its accounts exist. And ways to sign up for one of his NewsletterAlso.
