Lalo Espana gives himself a chance at love after being

Lalo España gives himself a chance at love after being denied his friend's death for 11 years

For the actor Neighbors you can see here on ViX, meant a pain that was difficult for him to overcome since, according to the artist, Aguilar was his only stable partner and the one who made him publicly accept his homosexuality. They started their courtship in 2006.

But a little more than a decade after the tragedy, Lalo España has opened his heart again.

Lalo España talks about her new boyfriend

After no other partner was known for several years, Lalo España confirmed this just a few weeks ago She already has a new boyfriend.

Additionally, she revealed details about who the man is who opened the doors to love for her again.

He is a very hardworking guy, “Very nice person,” the comedian also said to the cameras. Today Beginning of December.

“He lives in another city, I live here (in Mexico City), but we travel, we see each other, we live together, everything,” the 52-year-old actor confessed.

His partner does not belong to the artistic milieu, so he preferred to keep his identity hidden.

In fact, she avoids showing her face in some of the photos she shared with him.

Lalo España has kept the identity of her new boyfriend secret.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram

“For me, I would have uploaded a photo, something like that, but he's kind of afraid, Show business scares him” he admitted.

“He says, 'I don't want them fucking me all the time,'” he said.

According to a photo posted by Lalo España on December 11, the romance would last just over two months.

Lalo Spain has been dating for just over two months.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram

“This morning I came across a wonderful detail. I love you too. “Thank you for being such a beautiful creature,” the actor wrote in the caption, which shows a few bottles of wine amid a floral arrangement with a ribbon that reads “I love you.”

Lalo España lived his relationship with Ranferi Aguilar in secret, since the actor decided to make his homosexuality public after the designer's death.


Lalo España lost his partner Ranferi Aguilar on June 17, 2012 and this Friday he remembered him on the tenth anniversary of his death.


“Dear Ran, today is 10 years since you left. Thank you for all the wonderful moments we shared and everything we learned together,” the Neighbors actor wrote on this photo.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Twitter


Ranferi died at the age of 28 from complications of pneumonia.

Photo credit: Ranferi Aguilar/Twitter

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Eduardo España said that it was his only stable partner and he still remembers it fondly.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram


The comedian met him in a bar in Mexico City and, according to the actor, they had chemistry from the first moment.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram


They began dating on February 14, 2006, and last Valentine's Day, Lalo commemorated that date with a short message in which he confessed that he was “not trained” to have a partner.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Twitter

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He shared that if Ranferi was still alive, they would have been in a relationship for 16 years.

Photo credit: Ranferi Aguilar/Twitter


On May 2, Spain posted this photo of him reflecting on life and saying, “We didn't buy anything. We are here and now.”

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram


He urged his followers to dare to “be, be, say, react, be born again, propose, fall, stand up, dream, try again – anything, of which one feels as if it is far from its possibilities because we have nothing certain, just the present moment.” ”

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram

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Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram


Ranferi died at the age of 28 from complications of pneumonia.

Photo credit: Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram

Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram


Ran, as Lalo affectionately called him, was a fashion design student, so he helped the actor dress for the events he attended and made some of his costumes.

Photo credit: Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram


“Thank you for making me do things, for instilling confidence in me, for making me buy nice t-shirts for the red carpets of my films,” he wrote on June 17, 2018 on the occasion of his sixth anniversary of death.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram

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“Thank you for designing costumes for my shows, for your awards as a young designer, for being an enthusiastic and exemplary student.”

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram


As a couple, they adopted two living Chihuahua dogs and the actor shows them off from time to time on his social networks. They are called mariachi and marimba.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram

Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram


The couple lived their love in secret because after the designer's death, Lalo España decided to make his homosexuality public.

Photo credit: Ranferi Aguilar/Instagram

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“When I saw Ranferi doing very poorly, I said, 'What am I doing with my life?'; he died of pneumonia and many complications, but I said: […] “Why wait, that is, why hide, look good on whom, that is not fair to either Ran or me,” Spain said in “The Minute That Changed My Fate.”

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram


Hours before Ranferi's death, Eduardo made his confession on his Twitter profile: “Today I am no longer afraid of rejection and outdated discrimination. Ranferi Aguilar is leaving, half of my life, and I dedicate my love to what I do. Today I choose to accept before death Universe the opening of a worthy life, without wasting time, contributing, being, loving and desiring my country. Today I have the courage to accept myself as I am and pursue my dreams with dignity. Whoever loves me, welcome! Whoever doesn't. With all due respect!”

Photo credit: Lalo España/Twitter


“Let everyone rely on their happiness and the value of saying things in life, eliminating fears without stepping on anyone, living with light and peace. Today I think it is extremely important that these precious young people, who have experienced the fear of feeling judged, being different, find acceptance and support in the love and unity of the family and grow and contribute to the world of ideas and values.” , he added.

Photo credit: Lalo España/Instagram