Lalo Rodriguezs ex wife I lost my eternal friend the

Lalo Rodríguez’s ex wife: “I lost my eternal friend, the man of my youth”

The city of Carolina this morning welcomed one of its giants, singer Ubaldo “Lalo” Rodríguez, to a final round of applause from his fellow citizens who watched him grow up at the country club.

Dozens of supporters joined the family in Plaza de Recreo de Carolina, who wore a white T-shirt with the salsa singer’s picture on the chest and the words “#❤️xsiempre” on the back.

PHOTOS: In tears, fans come out to pay their respects to Lalo Rodríguezicon gallery21 photos Various artists also came to honor the late salsa singer

Among the immediate family group, vocalist Jerry Rivera stood out, who has remained close to him and has expressed sadness at the loss of what was “a friend, a brother, a father” to him, who listened to him as a teenager in the salsa genre .

The white coffin with the Puerto Rican flag was placed under a tent in the center of the plaza where the Mayor, José Carlos Aponte Dalmau, and Monsignor Efraín Rodriguez Otero, pastor of the Church of San Bernardo, were waiting.

“When we talk about Lalo, we’re not talking about Carolina’s son, we’re talking about Carolina’s son,” the monsignor began, continuing to emphasize the “feel” of the so-called “Carolina Canary”.

“Lalo was a musical genius, a Puerto Rican star, a star of the planet, a product of the love of God,” Rodríguez Otero said, before asking the family to come to the coffin to say an Lord’s Prayer.

For his part, the mayor singled out the artist among the personalities who have elevated his city throughout history.

“It is no coincidence that everywhere he performed he was called ‘El Canario de Carolina’ and he deserved it because he had one of the most beautiful voices in the tropical genre, which he loved so much and proudly declared that he came from him here. , from Carolina,” the community leader pointed out.

“Lalo lived with passion and delighted in sharing his gargantuan talent with others, so despite the sadness we feel at his death, we must express our gratitude,” added Aponte Dalmau before saying goodbye and thanking him for so many songs, for accompanying the days and nights with his art.

Lalo Rodríguez over the yearsicon gallery12 photos Lalo Rodíguez, considered one of the most famous voices in Puerto Rico salsa history, was found dead on December 13, 2022 in the Sabana Abajo neighborhood of Carolina.

Speaking on the children’s side was Jeramel, who called for savoring, savoring and dancing to his father’s wide repertoire and who are now a legacy for universal salsa.

“Never forget that for me he is the greatest voice that Puerto Rico has ever had,” said the son, who also referred to his father as “the seed of culture” in reference to one of his most famous songs, “Semilla de Cultura”.

The official tribute ended with the salsa singer’s ex-wife and mother of the children, Wanda Torres, who at the time called herself Ubaldo Rodriguez’s forever friend.

She shared how, as a 14-year-old teenager, she heard Lalo – then 19 – tell her for the first time that she would be his wife and mother of his children. It was a promise kept.

“You lost a singer, an idol, we lost a father, an uncle, a brother, a grandfather, and I lost my forever friend, the man of my youth,” he said.

She recalled attending a presentation by her neighbor on February 26, 1982, and he referred to her as his fiancee. This is how a romance was born, which has accompanied them to this day.

“Keep my man in everyone’s hearts,” Torres admonished at the end of her words.

The posthumous tribute to Lalo Rodriguez ended with music, with salsa, the genre to which he gave voice, youth and passion until his life was found dead in the Sabana Abajo neighborhood on Tuesday afternoon.

Tommy Olivencia’s orchestra, led by Tomito, warmed up the crowded place even more with a selection of well-known songs in the unique voice of Lalo Rodriguez, including Máximo Chamarro, Las mujeres, Nada de ti and finally I come from the bush.

The burial would take place after noon at the Santa Cruz de Carolina Cemetery.