1702626993 Lane Hutson39s brother is out for revenge

Lane Hutson's brother is out for revenge

Cole Hutson, one of the most promising defenders in the 2024 draft, is bitter. Still bitter about the treatment recruiters gave his brother Lane during the July 7-8 auction in Montreal.

Despite offensive stats worthy of the elite of the American development program, Lane Hutson had to wait until the second round, where the Montreal Canadiens selected him with the 62nd overall pick.

“It became personal for the whole family,” Cole said by phone. He deserved to be selected much earlier. I hope I can take revenge for what happened to him. My goal is to be drafted in the first round.”

“It was difficult for all of us when Lane slipped up in the draft,” admits head coach of the American program's U18 team, Nick Fohr. We all believed that he deserved better with what he had shown.”

The Hutsons could well have the final say in this story. Since being selected by CH, Lane has racked up insane points in the NCAA. And Cole, also an extremely talented offensive defender, set the U17 points record for a defenseman in the American program last year. He has a good chance of hearing his name called in the first round.

“Any team would love to have Lane now after avoiding him. “And I am the player who is most like him,” emphasizes Cole. I don't think scouts want to look up to a player like Lane again. He is the type of player who changes the course of a game.”

Lane Hutson's brother is out for revenge

Not once during the interview do we get the feeling that Cole is relativizing or downplaying his resentment. She is very confident.

Have recruiters really learned their lesson from Lane? And what is this lesson anyway?

“They believe that hockey is still played like it used to be and everything is a physical game,” Cole said. But the game has evolved and you can now use your intelligence to get through. It’s not that important anymore.”

“Given the success Lane had so quickly afterward at the collegiate level and even at the World Cup, there are teams that will be more interested in the idea of ​​signing Cole,” argues Fohr. Ultimately, this episode was tough on Lane, but his success could pave his brother's way into the draft.

Conversations with the CH

Cole and Lane were never teammates. That could theoretically change next year, as Cole will be transferring to Boston University, the team Lane has played for since 2022.

We use the term “theoretical” here because this will not happen in reality.

“It’s a bit of a far-fetched scenario,” admits Cole. He's been incredible the last few years. I would really like to be able to play with him, but it’s time for him to improve.”

Cole says he has had conversations with Canadiens scouts a few times. However, the possibility of one day wearing the tricolor uniform accompanied by his brother does not concern him.

“Not really, no. It would be fantastic if that happened, but I'm just trying to focus on this season and hope to win gold with the USA [au Championnat des moins de 18 ans].”

Almost a copy and paste

There are some differences between Cole and Lane Hutson, but they are not significant.

“I’m a few centimeters ahead of Lane, who is the same age,” says Cole, who is just over 1.70 meters tall. I am on the same growth curve as my big brother Quinn, who is now almost 6 feet tall. This is certainly to my advantage. I'm not afraid to throw big punches and go to places that hurt. I would say I'm a more physical version [de Lane].”

“I believe Lane achieves his goals through sheer determination and work ethic; “He just works so hard and that’s how he accomplishes most of the things he does,” U.S. program coach Nick Fohr said. Cole is a little more natural. It's easier for him. That’s where they differ, but they both achieve essentially the same result.”

In the end we almost have a copy-and-paste with the puck. The two defenders essentially take the same approach.

“They are different than normal players,” marvels Fohr. They are so good at setting traps for opposing players and making themselves unpredictable. They can change direction so quickly, and that makes life difficult for those who try to slow them down. They use feints with their heads, they fake the shot, the pass… They place their hands in a deceptive way. They are so good and they do everything so quickly. Opponents are not used to such pranks being played on them. There are very few players who can do that.”

But what's in the water in North Barrington, the Hutsons' Illinois home? How can we explain that two brothers both developed such rare abilities?

“It is the involvement of Rob Hutson, her father,” emphasizes Fohr. He spent a lot of time with his boys and coaches in minor hockey. He worked with them a lot. Obviously he taught both brothers the same thing as they have the same qualities, the same skills with the puck and the same approach to the game.

“And, you know, there’s another one coming. His name is Lars. I have seen him walking around our facilities many times over the years. I've known the Hutsons for four or five years now. Lars was 10 years old when I first met him and he was tiny. I heard he's no worse player…”

Among the elite

Zach Werenski. Quinn Hughes. Charlie McAvoy. Adam Fox. Nick Fohr oversaw the development of all of these defenders during their time with the American program.

And he's not afraid to bring Cole Hutson into the same conversation.

“He’s part of that group of players,” Fohr said. I mean, he set the record for a 17-year-old defenseman last year, right? In theory it's better than what all those people did, right? Cole is definitely in that group.”

Cole Hutson also performed well in games against American universities, a good indicator of his ability to compete against bigger and stronger players.

“I even think that he is sometimes too physically involved,” notes Fohr. Sometimes I wish he would be a little ashamed. A player his size can get injured running after the check.”

For the final projection: leader of the numerical advantage and defender of the first pair.

“He can be a top defender,” believes Nick Fohr. The best forwards want to play with defensemen who can get the puck to them and create space for them by drawing attention to them. Cole can do a little bit of everything, I use him in all situations.”

Finally, there is one little thing that we wanted to clarify with coach Cole Hutson. During our interview, the young man seemed a little withdrawn, despite some very candid statements.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Fohr responded with a giggle. Yes, he is not very talkative. He doesn't really express his feelings. When I sit down with him, he gets straight to the point and doesn't drag things out. He won't prolong the conversation. Lots of “yes” and “no”’s, that’s all you’ll get from him. He's pretty stoic. He’s a focused young man and I respect that.”

“I would be worried if I didn't see him interacting with his teammates and acting like a normal teenager, but I see that every day. So I don’t blame him, but not at all.”

Cole isn't particularly talkative. But his performance, combined with Lane's, will send a strong message to scouts who overlook defenders like Hutson.