Large demonstration of school bus drivers in Quebec

Large demonstration of school bus drivers in Quebec City

Hundreds of school bus drivers from across the province gathered in front of the National Assembly to defend their rights.

• Also read: School Bus Driver Week: A job that leads to success

• Also read: School bus drivers demand PCR tests

Marcel Tremblay: QMI agency

The group would consist of about a hundred buses and a large number of local drivers.

“It is the recognition convoy because we have been trying to get recognition for more than 20 years,” explained Josée Dubé, President of the FEESP-CSN School Transport Sector.

“It’s a historic event, it’s unprecedented. We are at least more than a thousand people with a hundred buses,” she continued.

Marcel Tremblay: QMI agency


“We demand that it is no longer a job, but a recognized profession with a reasonable salary. The salary that we have shows that we lack recognition and a fairly paid salary,” says Ms. Dubé indignantly.

The protest is expected to last until 1 p.m.