Larissa Manoela’s ex Thomaz Costa announces nude photos with Tati Zaqui on an adult website

Larissa Manoela’s exboyfriend, Thomaz Costa, announced on social media that he will be selling nudes with his fiancee Tati Zaqui. The former ‘Carousel’ child actor and the bluehaired funk singer got engaged this week after striking up romance on a reality show.

“You asked a lot and I will open my privacy (Brazilian adult content platform) (…) in stories. “I’ve never seen a couple do anything like that! So that you close the year with a golden key,” he promised.

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When he created an account on OnlyFans, an adult content site, in February, Thomaz charged 205 reais per month for any user who wanted to see his nude photos.

But since not everything is flowers, some pictures of Thomaz without clothes ended up published on the site, and the actor complained on the Internet at the time.

“I’ll get strong lawyers on top of that. I’ll pay dearly, but it’s crazy when things leak out and I have more good content to release,” he said.

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The decision to create a profile on a site with adult content caused discomfort in the family of Thomaz. It was then that the actor’s mother left a comment on a social network disapproving of her son’s decision to sell his own nudes on the Internet.

“I’ve always been your fan, your friend, your partner. ‘Cause I’ve lived all your years, breathing to make you happy. But today I don’t recognize you anymore. Shame and disappointment,” wrote Luciana Costa on Instagram. My goodness!

Thomaz Costa's mother disapproves of visiting an adult content website Thomaz Costa’s mother disapproves of her son entering adult content website Photo: ReproductionInstagram

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Thomaz met Larissa Manoela as a child, in 2013 while they were taping the soap opera Carrossel. The two split in August 2017.

Larissa Manoela's ex, Thomaz Costa, announces a profile on an adult content website Larissa Manoela’s ex, Thomaz Costa, announces his profile on the adult content site Photo: ReproductionInstagram

Thomaz Costa: child actor from Thomaz Costa: Child actor from “Carousel” and exboyfriend of Larissa Manoela Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Thomaz Costa's mother disapproves of visiting an adult content website Thomaz Costa’s mother disapproves of her son entering adult content website Photo: ReproductionInstagram