Last Christmas thats enough Crowdfunding by a Swedish couple to

“‘Last Christmas’, that’s enough.” Crowdfunding by a Swedish couple to make the Christmas catchphrase go away

A Swedish couple tired of hearing the Christmas catchphrase Last Christmas from phew!She started a crowdfunding campaign to buy the rights and have them disappear in one Side? site of Finnish nuclear waste. “We knew right away that many would be willing to pay not to hear that song again,” he said Thomas Mazzetti, quoted by the newspaper Expressen. So far, the couple have managed to get just under 1,300 people ready to flock to the complex 1.2 million SEK – just over 100,000 euros – to buy the rights to the single that was released in 1984. A number, however, explains the Daily Star, is far from buying the buzzword. Warner Chappel Music Uk, owner of the song would have actually between estimated the price of its purchase 15 and 25 million dollars. However, Tomas and his wife Hannah, who is a painter in real life, emphasize that “there is nothing personal about it GeorgeMichael». They’re just tired of hearing the song that booms out of store speakers and on the radio around Christmas time year after year. In particular, Mazetti tells the Swedish newspaper: “My partner’s hatred (of the song, ed.) arose about 13 years ago. In the bar where he worked in Oxford – he explains – the song by Wham! it was played continuously throughout the Christmas season». Should the surgery be successful, the couple promise to do the same for All I want for Christmas is you di Mariah Careywhich was well done on Christmas Eve 2022 alone 21,273,000 games on Spotify, the most-played single of all time in 24 hours, and for Santa Baby by Alicia Keys.

Cover photo: NEW YORK POST | The Swedish couple who started the petition

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