Latina Mom Murdered By Her Ex Partner While Buying Tacos

Latina Mom Murdered By Her Ex Partner While Buying Tacos

Roland Contreras (32) barricaded himself in his grandmother’s house after the murder of Gabriela Campos, outwitted the SWAT team in San Antonio Texas, but then surrendered

Gabriela Campos is the Latina mother who was murdered in San Antonio, Texas by her 32-year-old ex-partner Roland Contreras.

According to the local media report, Gabriela got to the stop light on Military Street to buy some tacos to feed her kids.

Gabriela was accompanied by her current partner and her family initially stated that the attack was aimed at him, however Univisión confirmed that he had nothing to do with the matter.

As the couple returned to their vehicle, a white Jeep, Contreras attacked them with bullets.

One of the bullets went through the truck’s glass pane and hit the woman who was already on the passenger side of the vehicle.

Since Gabriela was already injured, her companion drove to a gas station to seek help, but the victim had already died.

Gabriela Campos suffered a fatal chest wound and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Contreras fled in his car and at around 9:45 p.m. this was reported he was barricaded in his grandmother’s houseat the intersection of Harlen Avenue and Ferndale.

The San Antonio police were in front of this house for more than 13 hours trying to convince Contreras to surrender voluntarily.

However, around 11 a.m. this Friday and after 13 hours of negotiation, it was reported that Contreras had managed to escape sometime during the day.

At around 10 a.m., San Antonio Police Chief William Mcmanus gave a press conference where he still assured the suspect was inside the home and that while they weren’t 100% sure, there were signs of it admit the man was there.

About an hour later, it emerged that the SWAT team had managed to get into the home, but the suspect was no longer at the property.

Authorities did not report how Contreras managed to flee the site.

Rolando Contreras is said to have had an arrest warrant issued for the woman’s death and could face murder charges.

After outsmarting authorities for three hours, Roland Contreras Jr. turned himself in to authorities and was arrested.

Angeline Fuentes, Gabriela Campos’ aunt, had demanded justice for the crime against her relative.

Gabriela’s family said they went out to buy some tacos for their kids.

They confirmed that Gabriela was accompanied by her new partner.

Gabriela Campos was a teacher at a school in San Antonio.

2023/04/0913:36H. / Luis Fernando Licona


San Antonio, Texas