1705814548 Laura Folguera new director of La 2 The channel should

Laura Folguera, new director of La 2: “The channel should break the boring tone of politically correct and 'insulted'”

Laura Folguera (Barcelona, ​​​​47 years old) has been the new director of La 2 since December, following the retirement of her predecessor Samuel Martín Mateos. She started at the station 25 years ago as an editor for one of the station's classic programs, The Green Beetle. He developed his professional career at the RTVE production center in Sant Cugat, where the station's management is now located.

The journalist explained last Thursday morning from her office in Prado del Rey that she arrived with a clear vision of how she would like to bring the second public broadcaster to a wider and more diverse audience; without fear of the popular or the alternative. The first goal is to create a stable program that runs from Monday to Friday so that the viewer gets used to the content.

Questions. What was La 2 like in 1999 when you arrived here?

Answer. It was a chain that largely retained the same essence. It was modern, innovative, risky… and with more economic resources than today.

Q Last week, during the Figures and Letters presentation, he explained that the launch of the competition ushers in a horizontal stripes strategy.

R. There is a change in consumption on television. There is too much offer with so many platforms and the linear television offer needs to be very organized. You have to create events and anchors so that the viewer always knows what to find.

Q How is it perceived in programming?

R. For example, every Friday afternoon there will be a vertical strip that will represent the afternoons of culture in La 2: Página Dos [literatura]Attention works [teatro] and film days. I would like to create another horizontal strip late at night to anchor and cover the prime time content along with characters and letters.

Q Would that mean that Late Xou with Marc Giró would become a daily routine?

R. It's a wonderful program, we created it in Sant Cugat and it's like my creation. Nothing is closed. We have considered several options as a fixed offer is required late at night from Monday to Thursday. And of course Late Xou is one of them.

Q If you're looking for innovation, this strip is perfect for experimenting.

R. Yes, to tighten the screws a little, both in terms of content and tonality. And break the tone of political correctness that is so boring. I think we're a little tired of being offended. Public television can be done with a relaxed tone and, as Candela Peña says, stir up the hornet's nest.

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Q This plan is reminiscent of TVE's modernity in the 1980s with programs such as The Golden Age and The Crystal Ball.

R. The role of public television is also to be irreverent and risky. It is necessary to provoke a little. Another strategy of the chain is to be able to feed itself with familiar faces that fit La 2's values, such as Marc Giró or Berto Romero. You can get a medium audience to reach us, an audience that wouldn't go to La 1 as often and that would add a new social spectrum to the group.

Q Is the goal to grow La 2's audience?

R. Yes, we strive to reach relevant audiences, but not at any cost. We want to offer attractive content without losing the essence.

Q TVE at national level has been nourished for years by formats born in RTVE Catalunya. In addition to Giró's night program, Obrim Fil was adapted by Javier Sardá. Is this the reason why the La 2 line returns to Sant Cugat?

R. La 2's management has spent more years in Catalonia than in Madrid. Due to Samuel's appointment, he moved to Madrid in 2018 [Martín Mateos, su anterior director]. In addition, Sant Cugat is one of the engines of La 2's own production. Saber y Ganar, Cachitos, El Escarabajo Verde, Para todos La 2, Culturas 2…

Q Is the decentralization of public media important?

R. Complete. In the 21st century, we need to be able to network and expand our vision in terms of both content and production and direction. It's something very positive.

Laura Folguera, at the RTVE headquarters in Prado del Rey.Laura Folguera, at the RTVE headquarters in Prado del Rey.Santi Burgos

Q Knowledge and winning that surpasses channels like Cuatro and La Sexta every day, 25 years after its premiere, is a miracle. But judging by the screen share, the myth that people come to La 2 for the evening documentaries isn't entirely false…

R. And they will continue there. We won't change what works. We have a very extensive documentary catalog and can play with trends and current events to make your offering more attractive.

Q These days La 2 has programmed some titles related to the tragedy of Los Andes, which JA Bayona recreates in The Snow Society on Netflix.

R. It's an example. And we want to reinforce it with La 2's social networks and start creating synergies between our Twitter, Instagram and TikTok channels with this current content in the linear broadcast. Let yourself be guided from one window to the other.

The role of public television is also to be irreverent and risky.”

Q Another, rather unknown public facility window is RTVE Play. Will there also be synergies with it?

R. A lot. It is a free platform that is a treasure. It will also help us drive audiences to the shelves and vice versa. Original content such as the internationally award-winning series This is Not Sweden could fit into La 2. Maybe we need to exercise some self-criticism, maybe we haven't promoted it as much as it deserves.

Q One of those trends and new sensibilities that La 2 will pay attention to this season is the broadcast of sports involving women.

R. This is a way not only to attract new audiences, but also to distinguish the chain and nourish it with brand values.

Q La 2 Noticias offered this brand equity. Are you planning on returning to the Grill?

R. We all remember this news. When you finished watching it, you felt like it was reconciling you with life. We are analyzing the possibility of some news broadcasts on La 2. But it would be nothing immediate. It would be a more medium or long term plan as many departments would be involved.

We analyze the possibility of some news broadcasts on La 2″

Q Another genre that gives the current La 2 shine is interviews. From the mathematics of the mirror to the three doors.

R. We have the premiere of a new season of The Mirror's Mathematics in April, again with Carlos del Amor. Interview formats can be conducted in many ways and with many personal styles. Carlos maintains the conciliatory tone that we talked about at La 2 Noticias.

Q Recently, La 1 has opened up to the programming strategies, formats and characters typical of private broadcasters. Is it incompatible with public service?

R. As a general concept it is compatible. Also in La 2. You don't have to be afraid of trends or trends. It has been proven that distribution, respectability and public service can be linked to entertainment and the topics talked about on the streets. When you combine the ingredients with seriousness, professionalism and intelligence, you can create a cocktail that is good. When Rocío Carrasco visited the late xou produced in Catalonia, he achieved very good results.

Q Did something happen when Marc Giró interviewed Faces of Sálvame on La 2 a few weeks ago?

R. No. The content has been adapted to the nature of La 2. It's good not to be exclusive. It is risky because you can get distracted, but you have to dare to find a balance and break through certain barriers and niches because there is a lot to gain.

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