1700302704 Laurent Paquin a large absent minded crocodile

Laurent Paquin, a large, absent-minded crocodile!

At the age of 5, Laurent Paquin invents his first joke, about a little crocodile who is distracted by Bitte. It is now possible to hold this joke in our hands! With The distracted crocodileThe comedian presents a funny and cute album.

• Also read: “Distracted Crocodile”: Laurent Paquin attacks happiness

1111 WE LIVE youth

Photo provided by KO Editions

Has your relationship with reading evolved over the years?

When I was young, I read almost exclusively comics. It took me a while to become interested in books without pictures. I really started reading in CEGEP, with the required readings. From then on I always had a book with me. It’s slowed down over the last few years and I’ve been wondering why… I realized it was because of my damn phone and tablet! We sometimes spend hours scrolling on our screens and I read a lot less than before. I blame myself for this. I try to force myself to read a little to get the taste back.

The illustrations in your album are sweet, fun and dynamic. Is this how you imagined your distracted crocodile?

I already knew the illustrator Eric Godin. We have also worked together on other projects. I like his pencil style. I knew his drawing would add an extra layer of humor. The drawings are funny, the character is really weird, and there are details in certain illustrations that add an element that I wouldn’t have thought of. I am very proud of the result.

Did you ever think we could have your first joke in our hands?

NO ! I made that joke in front of people. I was asked about it. It’s funny to think about it today… to tell myself that there is a case that I thought about about 48 years ago that can be found in a children’s album. Some people send me photos of their children reading my book. I find it extraordinary and very touching.

The distracted side of the crocodile character has to join you somehow?

Probably yes. When I was little, people told me that I was in the moonlight. And I forget everything, even today. I write everything down, otherwise I’ll forget it! I feel a bit like my crocodile, but I’m not that clumsy.

If you had to associate another animal with a term that you identify with, what would it look like?

If I were to write a book about myself it would be: The Overwhelmed Bear (laughs)! He’s always busy, he can’t wait to go on vacation, but he loves what he does. I would fill his schedule and probably the other animals would look at him and think he never stops. That could perhaps be the starting point of the story… But for now I want to do other books because he’s a beautiful little character, this absent-minded crocodile who deserves to have a life of his own!