Lauryn Goodman is calling Kyle Walker a pathological liar and

Lauryn Goodman is calling Kyle Walker a pathological liar and narcissist after he insisted they weren't in a relationship and called fathering another child with her an “idiotic decision.”

Lauryn Goodman has broken her silence after Kyle Walker insisted they weren't in a relationship, calling it an “idiotic decision” to father a second secret child with her.

In a rare interview about his personal life, Walker was close to tears over the weekend as he confessed that his two-year marriage to Annie Kilner is on the rocks after he was named father to Goodman's five-month-old daughter.

While he insisted the affair was not a real relationship, Goodman, 33, was quick to claim the soccer player was lying, sharing a post on Instagram on Monday in which he defined the definition of a “pathological narcissist.” describes in detail who spends his life “lying”. and gaslighting the people around them.

Walker had claimed there was “no relationship” between the two, saying: “Having a relationship with someone…would she even know how much sugar I have in my coffee if I had sugar?” She couldn't tell you .'

But the mother-of-two refuted this by sharing a “There are receipts” meme while pointedly writing: “Flat white, no sugar please,” in reference to Walker's comments.

Lauryn Goodman has broken her silence after Kyle Walker insisted they weren't in a relationship, calling it an

Lauryn Goodman has broken her silence after Kyle Walker insisted they weren't in a relationship, calling it an “idiotic decision” to father a second secret child with her.

Goodman shared a post on Instagram on Monday in which he described a

Goodman shared a post on Instagram on Monday in which he described a “pathological narcissist.”

She also criticized the claim that they weren't in a relationship because she didn't know his coffee order

She also criticized the claim that they weren't in a relationship because she didn't know his coffee order

Walker's two-year marriage to Kilner is in tatters after the Manchester City and England full-back was named father to influencer Lauryn Goodman's five-month-old daughter

Walker's two-year marriage to Kilner is in tatters after the Manchester City and England full-back was named father to influencer Lauryn Goodman's five-month-old daughter

Walker, 33, had already fathered a son, three-year-old Cairo, with Goodman after a previous split from Kilner in 2020.

Goodman had been dropping hints about her daughter's paternity to the public and reached out to Kilner, 30, via Instagram message shortly after Christmas to tell her that her husband was the father of her second child.

Walker then moved out of his family home in Cheshire and is spending the enforced time away from his three children with Kilner, who is currently pregnant with her fourth child.

He told The Sun: “What I did is terrible and I take full responsibility. “I made idiotic choices and idiotic decisions. I can't even imagine what Annie is going through. I tried to ask her but there is pain and pain.

“The man who was supposed to love her, care for her and be there for her did this.”

Walker, who is expected to play a crucial role for Gareth Southgate's England at the European Championships in June, admits he wanted to “curl up into a ball” after his relationship with Goodman came to light in January.

He added: “When I met Annie at 17, I could never have imagined my private life being like this. “I never thought I would be a father to six children.

“The only one to blame is me.” I have roles and responsibilities that I am aware of and I have made stupid decisions. But I have to own up to my mistakes – I owe it to everyone.

“My actions have caused great pain to many people. “I'm sorry because as a family it's not meant for this to happen.”

In 2020, Goodman confirmed that the father of her eldest child, son Cairo, was Walker, and the footballer broke the news to his devastated wife hours before she went public.

He moved from the family home to rented accommodation in nearby Hale, Cheshire, before Kilner agreed to take him back, and Walker agreed to cut off all contact with Goodman beyond his ongoing financial obligations.

However, in August 2022, Goodman announced that she planned to move closer to Walker with son Cairo. Walker told how he met her at a law firm to try to stop the move. There he met his son for the first time and the couple reconnected.

The footballer is a father of three with Kilner (pictured), who is currently pregnant with her fourth child

The footballer is a father of three with Kilner (pictured), who is currently pregnant with her fourth child

At the beginning of October 2022, the footballer traveled to London for groin surgery and met Goodman there. He confirmed that the couple ended up sleeping together.

Weeks later, Goodman broke the news that she was pregnant again, and Walker revealed that he almost “passed out” when she called during a training session.

Walker kept Goodman's pregnancy a secret from his wife, saying it was Kilner's own pregnancy that “was the last straw.”

While her footballer husband was away with his club, Goodman wrote to Kilner on December 27, 2023, revealing the truth about their relationship and the parentage of their second child.

Kilner, who is expecting her fourth child with the footballer, announced earlier this month that they were separating after 13 years.

The footballer has now moved out of his £2.5million home in Prestbury, while Kilner remains at the property with his three sons.

“My little boy goes to sleep with me every night and not having him… I'm used to being away in England for long periods of time,” he said, his voice breaking.

“We say goodnight on FaceTime. But knowing that I'm not with him because of my mistake – mistake is probably the wrong word, my decisions – that hurts me.”

The split was confirmed days before Web revealed he was the father of Goodman's daughter, known only as 'KW'.

Killner was last seen on January 19 heading to a gym in Cheshire.  She still didn't wear a wedding ring as she continued to take her time with the relationship

Killner was last seen on January 19 heading to a gym in Cheshire. She still didn't wear a wedding ring as she continued to take her time with the relationship

The 81-time England international originally broke his silence by apologizing to his wife for the “upset” he had caused her, a reference to his numerous cheating scandals.

On Sunday he told The Sun: “How could I hurt someone I love so much?” That's something I have to find within myself.

“I have to find out why I did what I did and why the situations came about.” “I'm human and I've made mistakes on and off the field.”

Killner was last seen on January 19 heading to a gym in Cheshire. She still didn't wear a wedding ring as she continued to take her time with the relationship.

Web can reveal Walker is fighting to save his marriage. The couple tied the knot in November 2021, but he continues to live separately from his wife after she kicked him out of their £2.4million marital home.

He will be present at all future baby scans and will continue to be there for their three children.

Walker fathered a son, 3-year-old Cairo, with Goodman after splitting from Kilner in 2020

Walker fathered a son, 3-year-old Cairo, with Goodman after splitting from Kilner in 2020

1706522201 45 Lauryn Goodman is calling Kyle Walker a pathological liar and Cairo in a personalized England jersey, presumably a gift from 81-cap footballer Walker

Cairo in a personalized England jersey, presumably a gift from 81-cap footballer Walker

And Walker's attempt at reconciliation with Kilner is compounded by the fact that she has not yet spoken to legal representatives about a future divorce.

A source close to the couple said: “Annie has not spoken to a lawyer.” At the moment she is focused on herself, her children and making sure her pregnancy goes smoothly.

“The longer she goes without legal representation, the more hope it gives Kyle that he can win her back.”

As Web reported, Walker showered Goodman with expensive gifts, whisked her away to five-star hotels and even introduced her to his Manchester City teammates on FaceTime.

Walker, who separated from his wife Kilner after she learned he was the father of Goodman's daughter, also hoped he could balance both families without getting caught.

A friend of Goodman's even claims he mistakenly called her Annie the night her second child was conceived.

The new revelations came after sources close to Walker insisted their affair was short-lived and brief after it was revealed Annie is pregnant with their fourth child together.

However, friends of the influencer countered, saying the relationship lasted several years.

The friend said: “Kyle and Lauryn did a lot together.” One evening they traveled to London for a night out and he paid for them to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Walker and Kilner on holiday in 2019. The footballer described her as his

Walker and Kilner on holiday in 2019. The footballer described her as his “soulmate, best friend and right hand man”.

Kilner was the top support for Walker when he played for England at the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Kilner was the top support for Walker when he played for England at the 2018 FIFA World Cup

“Kyle told Lauryn he loved her and they spent a lot of time watching videos of Cairo together.”

“Then not long after that they went to Cheshire and stayed in an AirBnB on the banks of a lake for a week. Annie should be gone and Kyle should stay with him.

“Annie didn't leave, though, so Kyle had to go back and forth every day, even though Annie kept questioning him about his whereabouts.” “It was like a family trip with Cairo and of course there was plenty of romance.”

Walker, who has three sons with Kilner, also paid Goodman to travel with Cairo to the Maldives while she was expecting their daughter.

A source added: “There was a lot of FaceTiming between him and Lauryn, there was even phone sex together.”

“Lauryn was pregnant and sent him tummy and scan pictures.” “They already knew Lauryn was expecting a girl as they had done an early scan.”

Walker's father to a second child with reality star Goodman is the latest in a long line of sex scandals sparked during his relationship with Kilner

Walker's father to a second child with reality star Goodman is the latest in a long line of sex scandals sparked during his relationship with Kilner

Goodman with son Cairo in an undated Instagram photo taken while vacationing abroad

Goodman with son Cairo in an undated Instagram photo taken while vacationing abroad

Walker (pictured last year with his estranged wife Annie Kilner) has been secretly meeting the baby daughter he first fathered with Goodman

Walker (pictured last year with his estranged wife Annie Kilner) has been secretly meeting the baby daughter he first fathered with Goodman

Walker also allegedly financed a trip to Cancun, Mexico, for Goodman and her son.

According to sources, he didn't try to keep Goodman a secret either, instead introducing her to team-mates Jack Grealish and Phil Foden while they were away in Europe celebrating Manchester City winning the treble.

A friend told Web: “There was obviously a lot of excitement after they won, they were celebrating out and about and everyone was in high spirits.” Kyle then FaceTimed Lauryn while he was with Jack Grealish and Phil Foden.

Lauryn was surprised. Phil answered the phone and saw Cairo. He told Kyle how beautiful he was.'

While in England last summer, Walker also called Goodman via FaceTime and said, “I love you, but sometimes you make me hate you.”

Their relationship was so strong that during the World Cup in Qatar, held in November and December 2022, shortly after Goodman became pregnant for the second time, Walker FaceTimed Goodman daily from the team hotel – once after an evening with his teammates, he told her that he loved her.

Kilner announced her separation from her footballer husband Kyle after two years of marriage

Kilner announced her separation from her footballer husband Kyle after two years of marriage

Walker is desperate to mend his relationship with Kilner (pictured), his childhood sweetheart

Walker is desperate to mend his relationship with Kilner (pictured), his childhood sweetheart

He took home a World Cup football for Cairo and bought him a £700 Moncler jacket for Christmas. Last April, he bought Cairo an iPad and several outdoor toys for his birthday, the source added.

Sources close to Goodman also claim that Walker told her he wanted to “make everything right for all the kids.” At some point he said to her: “Money isn't everything to me.” My life is over.'

Walker, who lives in a flat near his family home in Prestbury, Cheshire, would also beg Goodman to keep their secret romance – and their children – to himself.

The friend said: “Kyle would tell Lauryn that it should stay between the two of them, that they have done this in the past and that it is best for everyone if it is kept secret.”

“Kyle promised to be there for Lauryn and to balance both families.”

“Lauryn often told him to leave her alone because he was only there when he wanted something. The whole thing is a mess.'

Walker and Kilner secretly married in 2021 after a decade together. They have three sons.

When Kilner announced their split in January, he told his Instagram followers: “Unfortunately, after many years of marriage and three wonderful children together, I have decided to take a break from Kyle.”

“I do not wish to comment further on the position. “For now, I ask that the privacy of me and my three young children be respected during this difficult time.”

It is understood both are now both represented by PR guru Rachel Monk, who accompanied Coleen Rooney through her High Court trial with Rebekah Vardy.

Kilner has also retained the services of trial attorney and sports attorney Paul Lunt.