1699890263 Laval Beaten and robbed by a sex worker and her

Laval: Beaten and robbed by a sex worker and her accomplice

A man who thought he was ending his evening with a sex worker was instead robbed and beaten with a gun butt in Laval in early October. The police have just caught two suspects in this case.

The events occurred on the night of October 3rd when the victim was on his way home. According to our information, on the way the man let a woman who he thought was a prostitute get into his vehicle.

However, the man apparently fell into a trap whose aim was to rob him of his valuables.

When he arrived at his house, a person appeared out of nowhere and allegedly pointed a gun at the victim before hitting him in the face with the butt of the gun.

Laval: Beaten and robbed by a sex worker and her accomplice


Meanwhile, the woman in the car allegedly stole the victim’s cell phone as well as personal items and money.

The two suspects then fled.

After just over a month of investigation, the Laval police managed to catch the two suspected perpetrators of this armed robbery.

Various elements of the investigation made it possible to trace the suspects to Montreal. Kevin-James Mondésir, 28, and his alleged accomplice Daniella Saincylus, 21, are charged with robbery using a prohibited weapon, possession of a firearm and possession of a prohibited device or high-capacity charger.

During searches of their respective homes, police were able to seize a Glock pistol, a large magazine, drugs and false IDs.

Kevin-James Mondesir was due to return to court on Monday for further court proceedings, while Daniella Saincylus was released conditionally with an undertaking to appear on January 9.