Laval Suspicious letters sent to citizens –

Laval: Suspicious letters sent to citizens –

About ten people received an envelope containing suspicious white powder and a threatening letter, warns the Laval Police Service (SPL), which has launched an investigation.

Because the situation is worrying, the SPL asks its citizens not to touch, open or touch an envelope that appears suspicious, received on November 13, and to notify the police directly.

“We don’t want citizens to handle the substance because we don’t yet know what it is. It is currently being analyzed,” says Ms. Major.

The letters sent were “threatening”. [et elles tenaient] Blackmail comments,” she continues.

“Despite [cela]“You shouldn’t be afraid to call the police,” Ms. Major added.

At this time, the SPL did not want to release any further details about the letters or envelopes in order not to interfere with the criminal investigation investigation.

“It is important to understand that there is no particular focus. There is no community or group that is targeted: it is the entire Laval area,” explains Geneviève Major, public affairs director of the Laval Police Service (SPL).

Only the city of Laval would be affected by this event and the surrounding communities do not appear to be affected, the spokesperson says.