Lavrov Operation in Ukraine contributes to liberation from Western yoke

Lavrov: Operation in Ukraine contributes to liberation from Western yoke website of television in Santiago de Cuba

Speaking to the Xinhua News Agency, the Russian foreign minister said that attempts by Washington and countries around it to obstruct the course of history and solve their problems at the expense of others are doomed to failure.

According to the senior official, today’s multipolarity means that the world has multiple centers of decision-making. “Everyone has real freedom to choose their path of development and participation in integration processes, among other things,” he said.

However, the Western camp is trying to use the crudest methods to destroy those nations that pursue independent domestic and foreign policies.

“And not only to Russia. We see them imposing bloc thinking in the Asia-Pacific region,” criticized the head of Russian diplomacy.

“In the style of the archaic Monroe Doctrine, the United States is trying to dictate to Latin America what standards to follow (…) Constant pressure on Belarus is being directed in the same direction. The list is long,” he said.

In another part of the interview, the Russian foreign minister called on the United States and the other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries to stop supplying arms to the Kiev government if they really want a solution to the Ukraine crisis.

The people of Ukraine do not need Stinger and Javelin missiles, but solutions to urgent humanitarian problems, he stressed, calling on the authorities of this country to stop “their cynical provocations, especially in the information sphere”.

He also condemned Ukrainian troops using civilians as human shields, conducting “barbaric bombing raids on cities” and humiliating Russian prisoners “with animal cruelty”.

He warned that Kyiv, with the help of its sponsors and the Western media they control, are blaming the Russian military for its abuses.

The Russian foreign minister called on Washington and its allies to stop covering up the Ukrainian regime’s misdeeds, lest they face accountability for their complicity in the appalling crimes.

Russia launched a military operation to “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine on February 24 in response to requests for help from the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics to defend against increasingly fierce attacks by Ukrainian troops.