Lavrov US UK arm Ukraine to push Russia against Europe

Lavrov: US, UK arm Ukraine to push Russia against Europe

The US and Britain are arming Ukraine to push Russia against Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Sputnik. Moreover, Ukraine’s western partners do not allow constructive steps towards peace, the head of Russian diplomacy added.

“Our American colleagues, our British colleagues, with the active support of the Germans, Poles and representatives of the Baltic countries, really want to turn this conflict into a real war and turn Russia against the European countries on the Anglo-Saxon initiative,” said

Lavrov to the director of the RT network and editor-in-chief of the media group Rossiya Segodnya, parent company of Sputnik, Margarita Simonian.

According to the head of Russian diplomacy, this plan is very advantageous for the North American country due to its geographical location, since it will be separated from the conflict zone by “oceans and straits”.

Lavrov added that “the Ukrainians won’t be able to negotiate until the Americans decide they’ve caused enough scandals.”

“In a nuclear war there can be no winner, it cannot be triggered, that is our position,” said the Foreign Minister.

He also added: “[el presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir] Zelenski, is an artist, [educado] according to the Stanislavski system: he changes roles very quickly”.

“The West is obstructing negotiations”

The head of Russian diplomacy also explained why talks between Russia and Ukraine make no sense at the moment.

“At the very beginning of the special operation, the Ukrainian leadership asked to start negotiations. We didn’t refuse, we approached the process honestly, and the first rounds, which took place in Belarus, revealed only the unwillingness to talk on the Ukrainian side, everything is serious,” he recalled.

“We hear what both Olaf Scholz and Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen and many others are saying, including Borrell, the chief diplomat, they are saying that Ukraine must win on the battlefield, that Ukraine must not go to negotiations now , because it is weak position on the front line. Ukraine must correct this situation first… and only then speak from a position of strength,” he said.

“The potential of anti-Russian sanctions has been exhausted”

Lavrov also noted that the potential of anti-Russian sanctions has been exhausted, forcing the EU to correct them.

“They’ve already exhausted every possible area where they were willing to harm us, and now they’re being forced to reflect on what they did and how it affected them [esto a ellos]said Lavrov.

He pointed out that for this reason they are changing the previously issued restrictive measures.

Lavrov also noted that the West is trying to drag the UN Secretary-General into its “Ukrainian pimple” games.