Lawsuit pending against mining company Grupo

Lawsuit pending against mining company Grupo México

Legal team members of the National Union of Mining, Metallurgical, Steel and Similar Workers of the Republic of Mexico and the head of Section 201 of Sombrerete, Zacatecas, José Núñez Velázquez, stated the premise.

In a press release, they warn that the United States appreciates the trade union with Mexico and hopes to resolve the matter in a way that protects the rights of San Martin mine workers who have been on strike for 16 years.

They assert that there is sufficient evidence that Grupo México, under the leadership of Germán Larrea, systematically violated them.

The Manpower Rapid Response Mechanism (MLRR) must be the catalyst for resolving the historic conflicts in Cananea, Sonora and Taxco, Guerrero, which will also be celebrating their 16th year of strikes and where the Larrea Consortium’s labor violations were similar or worse, they claimed she.

The document, with which the United States is requesting an investigation into alleged violations of workers’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining at the San Martín mine, has already been sent to Mexico’s Economy and Labor and Welfare Ministries.

Also for the company, said Nahir Velasco, legal coordinator of the union organization headed by Senator Napoleón Gómez Urrutia.

Respect for a union’s status as exclusive agent in collective bargaining and its right to strike are crucial components of Mexico’s labor reform, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Thea Lee said in the labor complaint.

Although this relates only to the Sombrerete mine, from a procedural and fair perspective, the three issues should be resolved, including Cananea and Taxco, where their right to strike is secure, recognized by the United States Supreme Court (SCJN).

It is the same case, the same boss, Grupo México, and the same violations of the collective agreement, emphasized Óscar Alzaga, also a lawyer for the mining union.

In the event that the Mexican government does not agree, it announced that two more complaints will be filed to activate the T-MEC MLRR for each case, Cananea and Taxco, where the miners on July 30, 2007 went on strike.

“It has been many years of suffering, of waiting for such a long-awaited justice, and hopefully we will soon be able to resume our source of employment,” said Núñez Velázquez, who believed that the settlement of the labor dispute in Sombrerete “will have a cascading effect. “Impacts for both Taxco and Cananea”.
