Lawyers Margherita Agnelli consider Elkann's appeal to be inadmissible

The investigation by the Milan prosecutor's office must continue with the treasure of Giovanni Agnelli at its center, 13 works of art that furnished the Villa Frescot and Villar Perosa in Turin as well as a family residence in Rome, which disappeared years ago and are now claimed to have been inherited by his only daughter Margherita after the death of the lawyer's mother and wife, Marella Caracciolo di Castagneto, the usufruct of the assets.

While in Turin the legal “fight” over the inheritance left by the lawyer will continueThe Milan investigative judge Lidia Castellucci partially accepted the proposals presented by Margherita in black and white against the request to close the investigation and instructed the public prosecutor Cristian Barilli and the deputy public prosecutor Eugenio Fusco to obtain the testimonies of Paola Montalto and Tiziana Russi, both confidants of Marella Caracciolo, who took care of the inventory of the inherited assets and consulted all the “relevant” databases, including those of the Ministry of Culture and the SUE platform (Export Office System).

According to the judge, who instead dismissed the position of a Swiss gallery owner and one of his employees for receiving stolen goods, he relied on the testimony of a private detective, for which no confirmation was found (according to 007, they kept the assets in a further investigation could be helpful to find out who compiled Chiasso's painting collection Monet, Picasso, Balla, De ChiricoBalthus, Gérome, Sargent, Indiana and Mathieu.

A collection whose disappearance Margherita has reported on several times and which also casts shadows on the three children from her first marriage: John, Lapo and Ginevra Elkann, and especially on her firstborn. Who “were able to report something about the fate or locations of these works”. And since it is now a question of recovering them after they disappeared due to various moves, “it seems sensible to continue with the questioning” of the two women who “took care of the inventory of the properties” and who therefore “could” . have relevant information” about the movements of the paintings and the “possible existence of paper inventories created by them.”

And then, in order to “verify the movements of these works, it seems appropriate” to carry out checks on the databases, including those of the Ministry. Finally, by virtue of a ruling by the Supreme Court, it will be discussed again before the Court of Turin the criminal proceedings initiated by Margherita against her children John, Lapo and Ginevra Elkann because of a matter related to his father's inheritance. The trial had been suspended pending the outcome of two cases in Switzerland, but yesterday the Supreme Court rejected the Elkanns' appeal, legal sources close to their mother said, ruling that Italian jurisdiction “continues in full” and overturning the Turin Regulation.

“The review that these judges must carry out,” the lawyers emphasize, “must also take into account the habitual residence of Marella Caracciolo,” which, according to them, was in Italy, “and the enforceability of the 2004 settlement agreement.” in the Agnelli -Succession, with potentially significant implications for the ownership structure of “Dicembre”, the company managed by the heirs.

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