Le Pens election strategy soft shell hard core

Le Pen’s election strategy: soft shell hard core

After law school, she became a lawyer before becoming legal director of the National Front. In 1998, Le Pen became a member of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais regional parliament, and from 2004 to 2017 he was a member of the European Parliament. When she took over the party in 2011, she successfully opened it up to new layers of voters by banning overtly racist or anti-Semitic slogans or symbols.

She distanced herself from her father, the convicted racist who played down the Holocaust. In 2018, she renamed the party Rassemblement National. She hasn’t made any ideological changes: the program is still based on the exclusion of foreigners and the “France first” strategy.

Marine Le Pen, the twice-divorced mother of three, is very protective of her private life. On social media, however, she maintains her image as a cat breeder. Thus, it no longer appears to many as just an authoritarian policy. ONLY