Leaks at Desjardins We deserve answers

Leaks at Desjardins: We deserve answers

In the whole list of personal information leaks, the Desjardins case in Quebec and Canada remains a high-profile event. And the investigation drags on in a frankly embarrassing haze.

The case is unique for two main reasons.

  • The information that a customer makes available to his financial institution is comprehensive and of high strategic importance.
  • The number of people affected in Quebec is staggering. The proportion of the population that has their primary account, secondary account, or previously had an account with Desjardins must exceed any global standard for a financial institution.

This leak of information had serious consequences. Hundreds of people had their identities stolen instantly. According to recent articles in Le Devoir, they are fighting for the promised compensation.

Identity theft is probably not over yet. Criminals can be patient in their attempts to enrich themselves off the backs of totally innocent victims.

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The example of the PCU

There is also a less clear reality when it comes to cheating. Take the example of the CERB, the lavish contingency program created by the Trudeau administration early in the pandemic. There was a lot of cheating. Individuals have received a declaration from the Canadian Revenue Service of the benefits paid to them.

These people, who had never benefited from the CERB, were quickly understood and demonstrated that crooks had applied on their behalf, opened a bank account to deposit the funds, and then closed that account. The scammers disappeared with Justin Trudeau’s money in his pocket. The only trace in the file: the personal data of victims of identity theft.

You know what ? Quebec was home to most of these identity theft-based scams. Several experts interviewed have no hesitation in explaining that Quebecers are more vulnerable since a large financial institution lost their data in the wild.

  • Listen to Mario Dumont’s show every day from 3:30 p.m QUB radio :

3 years

I have no doubt that Desjardins took steps to remedy the situation. The fact remains that it happened and that we can at least hope that the investigation into this matter will be brought to a serious conclusion. Drop the light! let justice be done!

In June 2019, the President of the Mouvement Desjardins revealed a data leak. Later in the year we learned that it was not some but all of the members who had been victimized.

The police have been tracking the story for more than three and a half years. We have not witnessed any arrests. The authorities have not even given an update on the progress of the investigation.

Quebecers don’t want this investigation to end in a fishtail like some of the UPAC. We deserve answers.

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