At the age of 69, Leão Nicola Lobo, better known as “Leão Lobo”, was extremely devastated when he was sacked by TV Gazeta last week. The moderator moderated “Revista da Manhã” alongside Regiane Tápias and “Mulheres” with Regina Volpato. In this last broadcast, he was replaced by 40yearold journalist Thiago Rocha.
In an interview with UOL columnist Lucas Pasin, Leão admitted he wasn’t used to the thought of being fired and that he needed the job “for a living”. Although he suspects the dismissal was due to age, he explains that the size of his salary also contributed to his dismissal.
“I love gazeta. It’s like my parents’ home, you know? The one I always want to return to. But they told me that my salary is high for the station’s size. And I insist on maintaining my salary standard, not.” “Only for me, but for all colleagues in our field,” he told the columnist.
Leão says he loves TV and hopes to come back soon.
crying and sadness
After his dismissal from TV Gazeta, Leão Lobo revealed on social media that he cried when he left the station. “Farewells are sad but necessary. Today I say goodbye to my friends and colleagues, great professionals at TV Gazeta in São Paulo. They were so kind when I returned to the train station and now that I’m leaving I can only thank them. It would be impossible to name names,” he began.
“They are friends of top management, across all industries. Gazeta was the channel where I started my career. I will miss you very much. I leave crying because leaving friends and my own home is very painful, but I leave with the hope of returning one day,” the presenter continued.
He warns, “The word is gratitude. And now it’s time to look for new horizons, with the certainty that, as always, I want to do my best. I’m at the market, not on vacation. Kisses… dignity”.
Besides Revista da Manhã and Mulheres, Leão even presented Fofoca Aí on TV Gazeta, which stayed on the channel for less than two years.