1687768478 Lebanon and the prospects of local industry development photos

Lebanon and the prospects of local industry development (+photos)

By Yodeni Masó Águila

Correspondent in Lebanon

The businessman specializing in the manufacture of coffee grinders and roasters used the recent industrial fair in the southern suburb of this capital to showcase their potential and attract foreign investment.

Together with his wife Jinan Mehdi and other family members, the company has adopted the Swiss mill model as a base and currently stands out in the national market for the quality and durability of the equipment and after-sales service.

Lebanon and the prospects of local industry development photos

In statements to Prensa Latina, Ibrahim referred to the opportunity to show the public the power of Lebanese industry and create a space for sharing experiences and working together.

For the organizers, the industry event was a role model for the more than 250,000 workers associated with the industry and reflected the innovations and growth of entrepreneurs in the Levantine country.


In the midst of the worst of the economic crisis, the gathering presented a variety of products such as restaurant equipment, furniture, perfumes, wood products, software, raw materials and technological innovations.

The appointment with representatives from all branches of production welcomed medium, light and large industries, including food, construction, infrastructure, chemical, textile and alternative energy sectors.

In an exchange with Prensa Latina, the interim government’s labor minister, Mustafa Bayram, stressed the need to boost local production and phase out reindeer farming, which has proved a failure during these decades of dependency.

The agency advocated capitalizing on the country’s talents and investing in human resources, saying that the skills of Lebanese businessmen match the needs of foreign industries.

Bayram, on the other hand, was optimistic that the term “Made in Lebanon” would become a reality based on efficient marketing and trust in the quality of the product.


The show enabled greater interaction in the industry in terms of distributors, consumers, suppliers and investors, with the presence of 116 business owners representing all regions of Cedarland.

According to the communications manager of the Lebanese Exhibitions and Markets Association, Adel Ahmed, the forum gathered a large number of young people with the intention of promoting job vacancies and promoting their participation in the country’s economic recovery.

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From the town of Aley in Mount Lebanon, Ashraf Zahlan presented his production of stoves and cookers that offer economic value to all families and are backed by quality and reduced fuel consumption.

Faced with the energy issues, Zahlan told Prensa Latina that his innovation would allow any home to do without the traditional oven, as the oven’s design allows for cooking and grilling while also acting as a heater in winter.

In his opinion, buying one of these models reduces fuel costs for private households and it can be manufactured in all sizes and formats.

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As part of this work, the young Youssef Audeh brings his knowledge to the company HMC Power Solution, which deals with solving problems identified in lithium batteries for power generation. During the dialogue with Prensa Latina, Audeh added that they provide a secure service for citizens who cannot afford to install a high-quality solar system or make monthly payments for diesel generators.


Drawing on almost three decades of work, Hassan Ibrahim advocated active state participation in industrial progress, supporting the economic line through legislation and an encouraging infrastructure.

Through individual initiative, its Elissa brand is present in Arab countries, Africa, Europe and America thanks to the interest of dealers, the variety of equipment and the excellent quality of manufacture.

Due to the economic collapse, the mechanical engineer insisted that the Lebanese must believe in, trust and promote the national industry. For this, the government must issue programs and urge the responsible authorities to accept his proposals.

In this train of thought, Al-Musawi Company for Construction Materials and Metallurgical Industries executive director Ahmed Hussein Mousawi considered the importance of industrial development to reduce foreign imports and create employment opportunities.

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His company is present in the Bekaa region, in the south, in Beirut and in the north and employs more than 750 people. Growth enabled production to be expanded to include wrought iron working, furniture, earthenware and tiles.

According to the Labor leader, the developed companies are investing in their human resources and promoting the progress of the industry by forming an alliance between the factory, the investor and the trader.

For decades, the real plan of the Lebanese authorities was to focus on realizing a rentier system in a tourism- and financial-services-based consumer society at the expense of the productive sectors.

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Given this scenario, economists reiterated that supporting national industries would have reduced imports by creating a broad financial circuit with job opportunities and the ability to source the dollar from abroad.

The industrial fair showcased the potential of local businessmen such as Hassan Ibrahim, Ashraf Zahlan, Youssef Audeh and Ahmed Hussein Mousawi, as well as everyone’s interest in contributing to the economy amid the deepening of the country’s worst crisis in its modern times.
