Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

Lebanon denounces new Israeli maneuvers at UN

The State Department instructed the country’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York to respond to the contents of two letters addressed to the President of the Security Council by the “Tel Aviv” delegate to discuss Lebanon’s relations to disrupt Unifil and Lebanon legal entity.

In a statement, Lebanese diplomacy indicated that Israel is attempting to disrupt the positive climate and state of relative stability created by the understanding of the demarcation of the sea borders, which was announced on Oct. 27 under United States mediation and oversight the ONU came about.

The ministry reiterated that the two main parties directly involved in the Al Aquibiyah incident, Ireland and the United Nations, had previously expressed their appreciation for the cooperation with the Lebanese authorities.

Both Unifil and the Irish Government thanked the Lebanese authorities for the prompt judicial investigation into the December 14 incident that killed soldier Sean Rooney.

Incidentally, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry warned that the Israeli allegations in the two letters are aimed at covering up its repeated and daily air, land and sea injuries.

Likewise, it showed the hostile entity’s interest in diverting attention from their gaps in the urban expansion of the town of Ghajar on the outskirts of Al-Mari town and attempting to forcibly annex it after occupying it in 2006.

On this occasion, the Ministry again supported Unifil to continue the tasks and ensure the safety of its personnel.

At the same time, he drew attention to the danger of using the unfortunate incident in the Lebanese south to distort the relationship with the international command, its recognition and adherence to the mission, security and stability in the country.

On that occasion, Lebanon reaffirmed its full commitment to Security Council Resolution 1701 of 11 August 2006 and to all its international rules and regulations.

In mid-December, a vehicle belonging to Unifil’s Irish unit was involved in a traffic accident in the town of Al Aquibiyah, near Saida, after Lebanese residents protested the patrol’s deviating route.

Unifil was founded in Lebanon in 1978 to confirm Israel’s withdrawal from the south and restore peace; in addition to assisting the government in securing its borders and other points to prevent entry of weapons or related material without consent.
