Legacy blows a bad air hunchback slap in the beloved

Legacy, blows a bad air: hunchback slap in the beloved face Altranotizia.it ​​​​​​Altranotizia

The Legacy is one of the most popular programs on the Rai network, but now it doesn’t seem to be pulling much air in those parts. Before an indiscretion came out that spoke of the conductor, it’s now another beloved face’s turn.

Flavio Insina was first addressed in the latest rumors surrounding the popular format Rai. The rumors that still linger have suggested a possible one Good bye of the conductor.

Heredity-change-unexpected-face-known-low-blow altranotiziaThe Legacy-Other News (Source: Google)

Now there seems to be a dispute over another beloved face of the Legacy. A fresh wind is blowing on Rai 1 and an old friend of the show wants to take his place again. what are we talking about

Legacy, bad air for the familiar face

The well-known program The legacy has been the focus of gossip for the past few weeks over the leaks that have arisen and that affect next season. The first referred to the conductor or insinna. Apparently, as Il Fatto Quotidiano reports, he wants to hand over the management himself. Obviously nothing confirmed. But now the question that has been troubling the web is another.

A familiar face could be at risk because of an old legacy acquaintance. Yes, because the woman in question wants to reclaim the place she had. Unfortunately, however, the rumors suggest that it could be the teacher who is paying the price Samira Luis. She is very loved by the public and this news has really destabilized the fans. But who is it that would replace it?

The hunchback shot straight from her

The legacy It’s a very popular program and it seems so Samira Luis both jeopardized by a former professor who said in a recent interview, as reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano, that she wanted to return to the program. It’s about Federica Calemme who recently finished his adventure at Gf Vip 6 and in which he also found love in reality Mediaset Gianmaria Antinolfi.

The former Gieffina would love to have her role back but it’s not certain if he’ll be given the spot, there could also be the surprise of seeing them both. La Calemme certainly wowed audiences and would be an excellent buyback for the Legacy. The role of the teacher suited her and it would be nice for us to see her side by side with Samira. It remains only to be seen and understood which of these statements are fictitious and which have actually been captured by those who revolve around the Rai 1 program.
